Infuse Infuse 10 December 2019 | Page 19
They've asked me for a proposal
– how do I price myself?
Believe it or not, coming up with the activities is often the easy part.
Telling someone what you think you’re worth is hard, but if you
keep the following factors in mind, then you can always justify the
cost of your services.
• Deliverables: What are the specific campaign deliverables
and how much time will they take for you to complete?
• Timeframe: What are the timeframes for the campaign?
Does it coincide with other activities you have going on?
Will this work restrict you from doing something else?
• Budget: How large is the brand? What kind of budget
do they have to work with? There’s no point asking a
brand for money they don’t have.
• Fit: Why have they chosen to work with you? What
is it about your expertise that makes you unique?
• Scope of work: How is the brand planning to
engage with you? How are they planning to use
your name, your image, and your credentials? Is
there the scope to partner with them outside of
• Category: How large is the category
in which this brand sits? How many
competitors are there in that category?
How well recognised is that brand in the
article continues overleaf...
© Dietitian Connection
Infuse | December 2019