Industry Magazine CRM Watch Summer 2019 | Page 28

OVERCOMING BARRIERS Barriers to Salesforce ® User Adoption: HOW TO OVERCOME THEM BY: SHANNON FLAHERTY THE FURY GROUP Shannon Flaherty Shannon Flaherty has spent the last 20 years developing sales processes to drive strategic growth in the small to medium business space with some of the world's most influential companies. In his current role as Fury Group Director of Training, Shannon is bringing this knowledge and experience to the masses so as to enable companies to empower users with knowledge and efficiency. BUSINESSES ACROSS all industries share a number of common elements. Companies are going to have employees completing tasks, a need to track how those tasks are being completed, and (ideally) some way to make sure that everything is happening on time and efficiently. This is where Customer Relationship Management (CRM) programs come into play. These programs are meant to assist with workflow from start to finish across all departments. They help organize your internal organization so that you can stay on top of everything that needs to get done, from management of accounts, contacts, opportunities, and scheduling to invoicing and productivity. The benefits of CRMs are numerous and the downsides are comparatively few. The first, and probably most glaring, benefit of these systems is the time that will be saved. By becoming efficient and combining everything into a single, convenient dashboard, users know what they need to do each day and don’t have to search around for the right program to do it. They log in, review their day, and get to work. Ironically enough, the main barrier to the adoption of CRMs in most businesses is the very people they are designed to assist: the end-user employees. After all, it’s one thing for the CEO of a company to 28 implement a CRM and tell everyone to use it, but it’s a whole different thing for the users to actual buy in and get going on it. Encouraging User Adoption User adoption is the key to implementing a CRM and making it work for your organization. So how do we handle and overcome the issue of user adoption? First, by understanding why users aren’t adopting the CRM in the first place and then finding individual solutions to each problem. One of the largest fears faced by the majority of mankind is fear of the unknown. That fear, of the unknown and unfamiliar, presents the largest barrier to user adoption in Salesforce® (and almost any business system). People have their systems in place. In the past, those may have been an extensive series of sticky notes where employees kept every task they had to complete. Now, perhaps they have a combination of online programs and calendars combined with company systems. The issue is, no matter how complex, once people get used to something, they loathe to change it. It is no surprise that to get a group of users to overcome their unfamiliarity with a new system you must assist them in becoming familiar with it. This can be done through a combination of training and day-to-day use, but it also pays to encourage your users to try new things. There is no single right