India Basin Equitable Development Plan (EDP) | Page 96

Outcome 3 : Support BVHP Commercial Corridors Beyond the Park Support initiatives that draw more people to Innes Avenue and the Third Street corridor and create a sense of belonging
Support the creation and enhancement of BVHP focused business programs that include tailored financial support , professional networking opportunities , intensive training for local businesses and entrepreneurs , and small business grants Partner with City agencies to provide training on how to do business in the City & County of San Francisco , with targeted outreach to Black-owned BVHP businesses
Key Metrics
In collaboration with the City ’ s Small Business Commission , measure business activity and jobs created within the service shed of the Park and in the BVHP neighborhood
Goal 3 : The Park Development Enhances Neighborhood Connectivity , Transit & Access Outcome 1 : Neighbors within a 10-minute walk have convenient and safe access to the Park Support and advocate for the creation of safe street crossings to the Park on Innes Avenue and Hunters Point Boulevard with traffic-calming features including additional lighting , signage or bright painted surfaces Create safe bike lanes , walkways , and stairways to , around , and within the Park Advocate for maintenance , expansion , and improvement of bike lanes including protected rights of way for bicycles , micromobility vehicles and pedestrians Outcome 2 : Transit Options Between the 3rd Street Corridor , the Park and the Surrounding Neighborhood are Improved Support and advocate for the creation of a free or subsidized park shuttle system connecting the Park to neighborhood housing complexes , Third Street Commercial Corridor and other commercial and transit hubs in BVHP such as BART and Caltrain
Key Metrics
Conduct and report annual accessibility survey to better understand needs ; make changes based on results and other data trends
Key Metrics
In cooperation with SFMTA , create meaningful and measurable metrics with baseline data prior to opening the Park and annually thereafter