just love singing it . This song has not been released yet however I do sing it live when I perform . Another song I love to sing is the title song on my mix-tape “ I Am me .” The record is about just being yourself and finding that love that loves you for you through and through . So many time we try to change ourselves to please the ones we are with , but the right person will make you feel comfortable in your own skin . You can find this song on my website or at http :// www . datpiff . com / Melissa-HunnyB-Veszi-I-Am- Me-mixtape . 398338 . html
IAM : Do you write your own songs ? I write all my own songs . I work two ways when I song write . The first way is having a beat I love form my Producer NHD , one that inspires me and speaks to me . When I hear a beat I love , the melody just comes . Once I have the melody , the theme makes itself known through the feeling of the beat and melody . The beat , the melody and the lyrics should work like a marriage and compliment each other . The second way I write is Iʼll sit at the piano and come up with a melody first , one that is in my head . The lyrics ( theme ) will follow again based on how I feel and how the melody inspires me . Sometimes I have the theme first and the melody is inspired by the story . I will record myself singing the melody and record some chords and then send it to my producer NHD who will then create a beat around it . I need to be alone when I write and in a quiet space .
IAM : Where do you find inspiration for your writing ? The inspiration for my songs comefrom personal life experiences or from stories I hear around me . They say the best writers write what they know so thatʼs what I do .
IAM : Do you ever get writer ’ s block ? How do you deal with it ? I get writers block all the time . The best way to deal with it for me is to step away . You canʼt force a song ; I believe it really needs to come naturally . Sometimes I need to start on a new song and then come back to the song that is giving me trouble , or just eat a bowl of ice cream . Ice cream always getʼs my creative juices flowing .
IAM : Who are your musical influences ? I grew up singing to Whitney Houston , Mariah Carey , Toni Braxton , Celine Dion , Janet & Michael Jackson , Alanis Morissette , Green Day , Eminem . I have always had a very large pallet for different genres of music . I am glad today because I feel itʼs important as a song writer to listen to everything . Music is universal and I think it takes a mature ear to appreciate all types of musical genres . Today my favorite artist are Emile Sande , Adele , Ryan Leslie and Gavin Degraw .
IAM : How do you describe your music to people ? When people ask me to describe my music I say I canʼt really classify it . People are always trying to define music , but today music is so mixed up . I write with Pop , R & B and Classical influences so how would you define that ? I just categorize it as pop since pop is such a broad genre . I explain to people that my music is relatable and hopefully will make you feel something . Thatʼs my goal !
IAM : What image do you think your music conveys ? My music conveys an image of power , hope , strength , vulnerability , reality and sexiness . The image my music portrays is unfiltered and to the point . I think everyone will have a different perspective on the image my music portrays because no two people listen to the same song the same way . Everyone has their own perception .
IAM : What are your longterm career goals ? I plan to have a long career in the music business . My goal is to reach the world with my music . I want to hear millions of people sing my songs . I would like to win a Grammy or 2 , travel the globe performing and collaberate with as many