Independent Artist Magazine June/July 2013 | Page 18

I A M Sits Down With


IAM : Tell us , what is your name and where are you from ? My artist name is HunnyB and I am a first generation Canadian born to a Trinidadian mother and Hungarian father . I was born in a small city called Saskatoon which is a prairie city in central Canada . Saskatoon is beautiful in the summer and is known as the “ City of Bridges .”
IAM : HunnyB what are your songs about ? My songs are always about life experiences , whether it is mine or inspired bysomeone I know . The themes I cover really depend on how I feel and what the beat or music brings out of me . I went through a tough breakup a while ago that has played a big part in my writing . The relationship was built on lies and betrayal and “ broken promises ” which is actually a name to one of my songs . Not all my songs are about the relationship though . I have a few records that are feel good tracks about having fun and dancing and being a rebel and just being yourself .
IAM : What is your favorite song and why ? Itʼs difficult to pick favorite songs but if I had to pick one I would have to say , “ MyFriend ” which is a ballad I wrote about a girl who gets lost in prostitution . This song was inspired by a story my best friend told me . It is a sad song and yet hopeful and I