IN West Jefferson Hills Summer 2016 | Page 65

2016 Gill Hall PTA Reflections Program Gill Hall PTA celebrated the Arts with its annual Reflections Program Awards Assembly. This is a wonderful program open to students of all grades which encourages artistic creativity and individual expression. Students had the opportunity to submit original artwork in the areas of literature, visual arts and photography. The theme for this year’s event was “Let Your Imagination Fly” and the students did just that. Congratulations to all the students who explored their imagination and let their creativity soar! West Jefferson Hills | Summer 2016 | 63 W E ST J E FFE RSON HI L L S SC HOOL DI ST RIC T NE WS — GILL H ALL E LE M E N TA RY S C HO OL On Monday, February 29 through Friday, March 4, 2016, Gill Hall celebrated “Read Across America” all week long with special reading programs and activities in honor of beloved children’s author Dr. Seuss. Each day was filled with fun and excitement, and the entire school was decorated to mark the celebration. Hallways were lined with brightly colored artwork and drawings, and each classroom door was decorated in a Dr. Seuss theme. One of the highlights of the week included a special visit from Therapy Dog International Chapter 207. Students took turns reading books to the therapy dogs to improve their reading skills. Studies have shown that reading to nonjudgmental pets can help children improve literacy skills and boost self-esteem. To cap off the week, several Thomas Jefferson High School students spent the entire day participating with our students in fun-filled reading and science activities. They even ate lunch and had recess with all of the kids. It was another wonderful week of learning at Gill Hall! West Jefferson Hills “Read Across America”