IN West Jefferson Hills Summer 2016 | Page 64

Thank You JES PTA Celebrating Strong Partnerships! est Jefferson Hills WE ST J E FFE RSO N H IL L S SC HO O L DI ST RIC T NE WS – J E FFE RS O N E LE M E N TARY SC HOOL Collaboratively Written By: JES Students, Staff, and Faculty One needs not travel far onto the Jefferson Elementary campus to see the impact that our committed PTA has on providing additional learning experiences and opportunities for our students and staff. Visitors are immediately greeted by our beautiful Butterfly Garden that provides our students and teachers with a unique wildlife habitat. This also serves as the location of our “Butterfly Release” celebration, a culminating activity to the second grade unit on the Lifecycle of the Butterfly. Upon entry into the building, you will be greeted with highlights from the school year that stream across a large screen TV, donated by our PTA, which is proudly displayed on our wall. You will also take notice of the beautiful decorations that adorn our foyer and lobby walls that assist in making the brick walls come alive with “elementary excitement”. On any given day (or night), you can find countless parent volunteers working throughout our school in numerous capacities to support our students, staff, and the entire West Jefferson Hills School District. You will also find our PTA working collaboratively with our staff “behind the scenes” to organize additional educational programs, experiences, and opportunities for the benefit of our students. We remain forever grateful to all of you for your time, energy, and unwavering commitment to the district’s mission statement of keeping our students as the primary focus. We are extremely fortunate to enjoy such a strong partnership with our parents and our collective efforts continue to result in providing our students with the educational experience that they deserve. A special thank you to all of our past, present, and future PTA Board Members for going above and beyond to help make JES the school that it has become, and will continue to be, with all of us working together towards a common goal. For more information about our PTA, a list of volunteer opportunities, and the many benefits they provide our school, please visit JES PTA website at 62 West Jefferson Hills