IN West Jefferson Hills Summer 2016 | Page 63

West Jefferson Hills W E ST J E FFE RSON HI L L S SC HOOL DI ST RIC T NE WS - P LE A S A N T H ILLS M ID D LE SC HO OL PHMS Students Discover Natural Wonders of the World Each school year, PHMS staff selects a thematic unit for the school year. The theme for the 2015-16 school year was “Natural Wonders of the World.” Teachers in all content areas planned and implemented lesson activities based on the central theme. It is a perfect opportunity to make connections between content areas and engage students. As a culminating activity, staff and students traveled to Niagara Falls to see one of the true natural wonders of North America. Students got an up-close look at one of nature’s marvels. They also had the opportunity to participate in one of three excursions: Maid of the Mist, Cave of Winds, Observation Tower and Niagara in 3-D. The trip highlighted all the concepts and skills from the school unit. It was a once-in-a-lifetime trip for many of our students. West Jefferson Hills | Summer 2016 | 61