IN West Jefferson Hills Summer 2016 | Page 62

est Jefferson Hills WE ST J E FFE RSO N H IL L S SC HO O L DI ST RIC T NE WS – P LE AS A N T H ILLS M ID D LE SC HOOL HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Celebrating Student Academic Achievement Pleasant Hills Middle School celebrated student academic achievements during three grade-level programs. The Academic Awards Programs were held on June 1, June 2, and June 7 to highlight the efforts and accomplishments of the middle school students. Students are recognized for the following achievements: Yearly Honor Roll, Department Awards, Perfect Attendance, Student of the Month, Pleasant Hills Rotary Award and Gold Medal Reader. Eighth-grade students can also earn the Presidential Academic Award, American Legion Award, and Tommy Wilson Sportsmanship Award. These programs remind our students about the importance of showing their Jaguar P.R.I.D.E. each day throughout the school year Preparation, Respect, Individuality, Determination, and Effort. Congratulations to all our students! HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 60 West Jefferson Hills