IN West Jefferson Hills Summer 2016 | Page 66

est Jefferson Hills WE ST J E FFE RSO N H IL L S SC HO O L DI ST RIC T NE WS – McCLE LLAN E LE M E N TARY SC HOOL We’ve Got Bugs The fourth graders at McClellan Elementary have participated in a cross-curricular unit of study this year focused on the life cycle and habitat of millipedes and the social structures of ants, termites, and honeybees. In order to extend upon their learning, the students had an opportunity to participate in a hands-on insect experience led by a local entomologist, Mr. Chad Gore. Mr. Gore presented information to the students in the morning and then the fourth graders broke into three groups and rotated around insect activity stations. Throughout the day, the students had an opportunity to learn how entomologists identify insects based on their physical traits, watch giant cockroaches race, and even create their own personalized insect using their first name. It was a great experience and the students learned a lot about insects and entomology! EARTH DAY On Friday, April 22, 2016, McClellan Elementary’s PTA celebrated Earth Day. Mr. and Mrs. Hausman, parents of Ryan and James as well as heads of our Birdwatchers Committee, kicked the day off with our first graders by making a birdseed feeder in our cafeteria. They used recycled toilet paper rolls, Crisco and seeds. Each student got to take them home to hang in their own yard. Later that day, a group of our PTA parents and their children arrived at our Butterfly Garden to weed, plant new flowers and plants, and to mulch. The garden was transformed! Several children also made extra bird feeders to hang in our maple tree. The parents reset the bird bath and butterfly house and the children painted colorful stones to place throughout the garden. 64 West Jefferson Hills