IN West Jefferson Hills Fall 2022 | Page 54


Dear Jefferson Hills Residents ,
I hope you and your households had a wonderful summer . As we move into the fall , I would like to bring your attention to a new planning initiative that needs as much community participation as possible ! Last year the Borough hired Pashek + MTR , an awardwinning landscape architecture and community planning firm to act as the Borough ’ s municipal planner . Pashek + MTR ’ s primary responsibilities are to assist the Borough Planning Commission , Zoning Hearing Board , and help craft a new ten-year comprehensive plan .
A comprehensive plan is a local , long-range plan that informs land use , development , and budget priorities in a community . Additionally , the plan will guide policy priorities , budget decisions , and land use regulations for the coming decade . Most importantly , the comprehensive plan will be based on the input of the residents who live and work in the Borough of Jefferson Hills .
The Borough will be utilizing the Implementable Comprehensive Plan model pioneered by Jim Pashek of Pashek + MTR and Denny Puko ( PA DCED , retired ). Instead of writing encyclopedic planning books that take up space on shelves , the Implementable Plan model calls for meaningful , intensive public engagement – to ensure that a plan addresses what people really care about – and detailed deep-dive strategies to make progress on those most important issues . Allegheny County ’ s former planning director called this a “ paradigm shift in the way communities plan for their future .” The implementable plan is all about building and sustaining momentum for progress .
I encourage everyone to turn to the Comprehensive Planning article in this issue and read about the community ’ s role in the upcoming comprehensive plan . Imbedded in the article are the QR code and address for the project website : www . jeffersonhillsplan . com . The project website is where residents can voice their opinion on the Borough ’ s next ten years of growth and development . Have a great fall !
Sincerely ,
John Stinner