Kooky Spooky Halloween Party at the expERIEnce Children ’ s Museum
Date : Oct . 29 Time : 6 to 8 p . m . Address : 420 French Street , Erie Contact : eriechildrensmuseum . org , or 814.453.3743
Bring your little ghouls and goblins to the museum for safe , indoor Halloween fun ! Visit the website for fee information , a schedule of events and more !
Scary Creature Feature at Asbury Woods
Dates : Oct . 7 & 8 Address : Asbury Woods Nature Center , 4105 Asbury Road , Erie Contact : asburywoods . org , or 814.835.5356
Come to the Woods at night and meet some not-so-scary creatures of the forest . Your guided tour will include storytelling by the campfire . A hayride takes you to the woods where you visit animal characters in costume along your guided walking tour . Learn whether the symbols of Halloween are friends or foes . Enjoy donut holes and cider and make a fall craft . NEW ! Visit with the Mad Nature Scientist of Asbury Woods and enjoy a musical light display . Visit the website for more information .
Give Back This Fall
4th Annual Barber Beast on the Bay
Date : Sept . 10 Time : 7 a . m . to 6 p . m . Address : Presque Isle State Park , 1 Peninsula Drive , Erie Contact : barberbeast . org
Barber Beast on the Bay is the coolest one-of-a-kind adventure challenge that combines natural and manmade obstacles with one of the most awesome locations on the planet . Participants will climb , crawl , push , pull , and run through 10 miles of sandy beaches on Presque Isle State Park — the nation ’ s # 1 Freshwater Beach ! Even better : the annual event helps support the Barber National Institute and its work with children and adults with disabilities and behavioral health challenges . Visit the website for registration information and other details .
Beethoven Street Fair : 5K Race and 1-Mile Walk
Date : Sept . 24 Time : 9 a . m . with race starting at 10 a . m . Address : Perry Square , Erie Contact : eriephil . org / bb5k
The Erie Philharmonic takes the annual Beethoven 5k and ups the ante this year ! Join the Philharmonic musicians , Conductor Daniel Meyer , and eager Erie racers for a LIVE performance of Beethoven ’ s 5th Symphony . The race course is the same but starts and ends at Perry Square . Visit the website for more information on registration and other details .
Erie Land Lighthouse Tour
Dates : Through Sept . Check the website for information on the exact dates and times . Address : The foot of Lighthouse Street in James N . Thompson Lighthouse Park , Erie Contact : erieplayhouse . org , or 814.454.2852 , ext . 7 Fee : $ 5.00 per person
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