IN West County Fall 2016 | Page 28

Pumpkin D ’ Light Night Walking Tour
Dates : Oct . 7 & 8 Time : 6 to 9 p . m . Address : Erie County Conservation District Headwaters Park , 1927 Wager Road , Erie Contact : extension . psu . edu , or 814.825.6403 Admission : $ 3.00 for ages 12 and up , $ 2.00 for ages 3-11 , Cash only ( Children under 2 are free .)
Come see hundreds of lighted pumpkins along a 1-mile trail through the woods at Headwaters Park . There will be youth activities and educational exhibits . No reservations needed . The event is held rain or shine . Please no pets unless it ’ s a service animal . Be sure to bring a flashlight and dress for a walk in the woods . Hosted by the Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Erie County . Visit the website for more information .
Pumpkintown at Mason Farms Country Market
Dates : Late Sept . through Oct . Check the website for the exact dates and times . Address : 839 Peninsula Drive , Erie Contact : masonfarms . net , or 814.833.9933
Experience Halloween fun down on the farm ! Visit Pumpkintown , Erie ’ s favorite fall family festival featuring your children ’ s favorite cartoon characters , petting zoo , mazes , balloon jumps and so much more . Visit the website for more information .
Sissons Pumpkin Patch
Dates : Sept . 24 through Oct . 30 ( Check the website for the exact dates and times .) Address : 11244 Springfield Road , Girard Contact : sissonspumpkinpatch . com , or 814.873.5201
Begin a new family tradition at Sissons Pumpkin Patch ! Since 2010 , Sissons has been providing old-fashioned fun for families of the tri-state area with a pumpkin patch , corn mazes , pedal karts and slides . Visit the website for more details .
Tall Ships Erie 2016
Dates : Sept . 8-11 Address : 150 East Front Street , Erie Contact : tallshipserie . org , or 814.452.2744
Ahoy , Maties ! Tall Ships Erie 2016 will showcase approximately 7-10 tall ships , on-board tours and sail-aways , live music and entertainment , children ’ s activities , a festival marketplace , food vendors , a beer garden
and much , much more . Visit the website for information on purchasing tickets , schedules and other details .
Waterford Community Fair
Dates : Sept . 5-10 Address : The Waterford Community Fairgrounds , 13012 Old Rte . 19N , Waterford Contact : waterfordfair . org , or 814.796.4587
A 79-year-old tradition ! Rides , exhibits , judging for livestock , animals , plants , arts , crafts , entertainment , food , truck and tractor pulls , monster truck show and more . Visit the website for more details .
Spooktacular Events
‘ Arthur ’ s Halloween ’ at Erie Playhouse
Dates : Oct . 14-16 & 21-23 Address : Erie Playhouse , West 10th Street , Erie Contact : erieplayhouse . org , or 814.454.2852
“ Arthur ” fans will be delighted with this charming musical adaptation of this friendly aardvark and all his buddies , first written for Erie Playhouse in 2006 by our town ’ s very own Charles Corritore and Michael Malthaner , with the blessing of Arthur creator Marc Brown . It ’ s Halloween and Arthur finds everything a bit scary , from his sister D . W .’ s costume , to his morning snack , and especially the spooky old house on the corner they call “ the witch ’ s house .” Visit the website for information on purchasing tickets and other details .
Eerie Horror Film Festival
Dates : Oct . 7-9 Address : Warner Theatre , 811 State Street , Erie Contact : eeriehorrorfilmfestival . com
Attention Horror Fans ! EHFF is an internationally recognized competition that takes place each year in Erie . It is focused on the art of independent filmmaking and screenwriting in the horror , science fiction and suspense genres . Films are selected from the hundreds of submissions received each season and are shown on the big screen over the course of the multi-day event . Prizes are awarded for best movies and scripts . In addition to the film screenings , EHFF also hosts an Expo during the event featuring celebrity guests and vendors from around the country as well as seminars and workshops . Visit the website for more information .
Erie Cemetery Walks – Ghosts and Legends
Dates : Oct . 23 and 30 Times : 11 a . m . and 2 p . m . Address : 2116 Chestnut Street , Erie Contact : Reservations – Caroline Reichel at 814.868.4423 or caroline . reichel19 @ gmail . com Fee : $ 10 / adult , $ 8 / child ( 12 and under )
A ghoulish good time ! Take this popular tour to hear mysterious legends of Erie Cemetery and the people who lived and died in unusual ways . Tours last approximately 60-90 minutes . All tours start at Erie Cemetery ’ s main gate . Call for reservations , or arrive at the gate a halfhour before the tour begins .
Erie Zoo Boo
Dates : Oct . 14-30 ( Check the website for the exact dates and times .) Address : 423 West 38th Street , Erie Contact : eriezoo . org , or 814.864.4091
Little ghosts and goblins under the age of 12 are invited to a Halloween event at the zoo ! Come in costume to trick-or-treat and enjoy displays for the entire family . Visit the website for more information .