of Mediating, Rather
Than Litigating,
Your Divorce,
Custody and
Support Matters
ediation, which is becoming increasingly well‑known and
widely accepted, allows divorcing spouses who wish to avoid
litigation the opportunity to work together to resolve issues relating
to their divorce in a neutral and confidential environment. Parties can
mediate all issues related to their divorce and/or separation, including
a division of assets and debts, child support, alimony, as well as child
Cook & Associates
Experience, Honesty and Results
Divorce | Custody | Support
Alimony | Division of Assets/ Debts
Cook & Associates
106 Arcadia Court
9380 McKnight Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
(across McKnight from the Outback)
(412) 366-8980
Amanda C. Cook
custody. Although mediation may not be a realistic option for every
divorcing couple, those who decide to utilize the process quickly
realize its benefits.
1. Creative resolutions can be reached: Just like individuals, each
divorce and its circumstances are unique. Traditional litigation and
the use of court intervention can create outcomes that neither
party is happy with. Mediation encourages the parties to think
outside of the boundaries of typical court resolutions and find
solutions that make sense in their lives.
2. Mediation can save money: As most people know, the
court process can be very costly. Between discovery requests,
protracted negotiations, motions, pretrial statements and trial
preparation, the costs can add up quickly. Successful mediation
avoids all of these additional costs. Also, while attorneys are often
still used through the mediation process, their roles are frequently
significantly lessened, resulting in cost savings for the parties.
3. Preservation of Relationships: Mediation encourages the parties
to voice their concerns, work together, and maintain a healthy
relationship through the divorce process. This preservation of
the relationship becomes especially important for parties with
children who will be required to continue to communicate or
at least amicably coexist for the sake of their children. Working
together through the divorce process allows spouses to learn how
to facilitate friendly relations not just during the divorce process,
but also in the years to come.
4. Mediation can be faster: The decision to seek a divorce can cause
emotional and financial stress for both parties. Unfortunately, if
the parties cannot agree, the court process often strings out this
stress for months or even years. Mediation takes a holistic view
of the matters at issue and works to ensure that resolutions are
reached at an efficient pace. As a result, mediation can save years
of emotional and financial turmoil for the parties, allowing them
to start the new chapter of their lives sooner.
This Industry Insight was written by attorney Amanda C. Cook. Ms. Cook is a Senior
Associate at Cook & Associates located in McCandless Township, PA. For over a decade,
she has provided her clients with compassionate representation during the often‑difficult
divorce, support and custody processes. Ms. Cook is also a certified mediator. Other
areas of practice for Cook & Associates include estate planning and probate, real estate
law and business law. For a free initial consultation, please call Ms. Cook today at
412.366.8980 or visit the website at www.pittlawyers.com.
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