IN Ross Township Summer 2016 | Page 54

PRESCHOOL OPEN GYM COMMUNITY Health and Fitness At the ROSS COMMUNITY CENTER FLOW YOGA Instructor Di Macioce, ERYT This dynamic class will have an emphasis on breath/ body movement as you flow through poses while building strength and balance both physically and mentally. This class is a perfect way to end your day. Ross Residents: $80 Non-Residents: $90 10 weeks session starts Monday, July 18, 6:45‑7:45 p.m. NEW CLASS! SATURDAY MORNING YOGA/PILATES COMBO CLASS Ages 1-5 Our open gym is a perfect opportunity to meet friends and enjoy a morning of free-play. We’ll provide plenty of equipment to keep your little one entertained. Mon-Friday 11 a.m. -12 p.m. R O SS TOWN SH IP NE WS oss Township 1ST AND 2ND GRADE BASKETBALL Instructor Di Macioce, ERYT This class is for all levels and no prior experience is needed. Di teaches students the perfect mix of Yoga and Pilates, which incorporates the elements of Yoga breathing awareness and postures with the core strengthening benefits of Pilates. Increase your flexibility, balance, and core strength all in one great class! Ross Residents: $80 Non-Residents: $90 10-week session starts Sat, July 9, 9:30-10:30 a.m. LESLIE SANSONE’S WALK LIVE! Great basic skills and exercise Opportunity for Girls and Boys! Kids in this program will start by learning basic ball skills: handling, passing and shooting the ball. Further into the program, we will inter-mix games with intro to basketball skills practice. If you don’t have already have a t-shirt from previous 1st and 2nd Basketball program, there will be a $5.00 t-shirt charge. Ross Resident: $50 Non-resident: $60 Dates: 5-week session, starting Monday, August 1 6:30 – 7:30. 52 Ross Township Instructor: Amy Broniszewski Leslie Sansone’s program is appropriate for all ages and fitness levels. This is a fun and easy class to follow. The upbeat music sets the pace for a fat burning, muscle toning and cardio workout. Using four basic steps, participants will use all muscles in the body by incorporating simple arm movements to build the intensity of the workout and provide strength training with a firming band. Ross Residents: $50 Non-Residents: $60 10-week session starts Monday, July 11, 10-11 a.m. No class on July 18