IN Ross Township Summer 2016 | Page 53

Participants must be 65 and must present one of the following as proof of age: Photo driver’s license; Birth certificate; Armed forces discharge papers; Baptismal certificate; PACE ID card; Passport or naturalization papers; Pennsylvania ID card; or a statement of age from the U.S. Social Security Administration PICKLE-BALL Get in on this fun new game that is sweeping the country! Pickle-Ball is played on a badminton-sized, low-net court with paddles similar to Ping-Pong paddles. The ball used is similar to but slightly smaller than a wiffle ball. The lower net and lighter ball allow the game to be accessible to people of all ages and abilities, while still allowing more competitive players to test their meddle. Just for Tots and Little Ones At the ROSS COMMUNITY CENTER ROSS ROMPERS – TUESDAYS 10 AM-12 PM Ross Resident: $4 per day Non-Resident: $5 per day This is an ongoing program. July and August Pickleball days are Mon, Wed, Thurs 1:00-3:00 p.m. There will be no Pickle-ball July 4th. ROSS TOWNSHIP SENIOR GROCERY SHUTTLE Calling All Parents! Bring your little ones for unstructured playtime. Parents: this is a great opportunity to socialize with other adults while providing your children with unstructured playtime with other children. Also, it’s a great time to meet and share ideas with other young parents! Through the generosity of our residents, we have plenty of toys, games, dolls, trucks, and role-playing items for the kids to play with. There is no fee for this program PRESCHOOL BASKETBALL Instructor: CB McDonald Ages 4-5 The Ross Township Senior grocery shuttle is offered to Ross Township residents. The shuttle is available on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday of each week, depending on where you reside. The shuttle stops at McIntyre Square and North Hills Village Mall on alternating weeks. If you are interested in finding out more about how to access the shuttle please call Susie at 412.931.7041. Experience the fun of basketball while learning the basic skills of shooting, passing and dribbling. Min: 6 Max: 12 Ross Resident: $40 Non-resident: $50 2 Sessions to choose from: 4-week session, starts Wed, July 13, 5:30-6:15 p.m. The deadline to register for any Ross Township Parks and Recreation Program is seven calendar days prior to the start of the program unless otherwise stated. Register online at Ross Township | Summer 2016 | 51 R OSS TOWN SHI P N E WS Did you know you can register for PAT Senior bus passes at the Ross Community Center? Call Jackie Snyder or Roseanne Jones at 412.931.7055 for an appointment. COMMUNITY Ross Township SENIOR BUS PASS