Township Budget
Each year Council and the Township staff invest considerable time and effort in developing a budget that prudently allocates limited financial resources in a manner designed to best meet the needs and desires of the community . The budget process is defined and guided by the Peters Township Home Rule Charter . It is a reflection of long-term planning initiatives such as the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the Comprehensive Recreation Plan . It draws from input from standing advisory boards , Township staff , and residents . Most importantly , it contains the insights and contributions of the Peters Township Council which are expressed not only at budget workshops but throughout the eters Township
year .
REVENUES The ability of the municipal government to achieve its goals is determined by its capacity to raise funds .
In 2018 it is estimated that 68 % of Peters Township ’ s total revenues of $ 19,221,876 will be derived from taxes . The Township anticipates collecting $ 13,066,620 in taxes . Of the taxes levied , Earned Income Tax and the Real Estate Tax are the most significant .
The Earned Income Tax is a one-half percent (. 5 %) tax levied against the wages earned by Township residents . In 2018 , Earned Income Tax will account for $ 6,028,450 or 46 % of the taxes levied for general government functions .
The Real Estate Tax is a tax levied against the assessed valuation of real estate property located in the Township . The responsibility for establishing the assessed value of properties rests with Washington County . In November 2017 , Washington County certified the aggregated assessed value of all properties in Peters Township to be $ 3,136,357,352 . Each individual taxpayer has the right to challenge the assessed value that has been assigned to their property . Peters Township anticipates appeals continuing into 2018 , though appeals for commercial properties which have the largest potential for eroding the Township ’ s aggregate assessed value are likely to see a sharp decline from 2017 levels . The budgeted receipt from Real Estate Tax assumes a property tax millage of 1.622 mills , which
represents a 0.1 mill increase over the 2017 millage rate . This is anticipated to generate an additional $ 313,636 in revenue for the Township , which will offset the annual debt service payments of roughly $ 330,000 for the purchase of Rolling Hills Park . The average homeowner will see an annual increase in property taxes of $ 34 .
Within the chart of accounts promulgated by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development , municipalities are encouraged to group program expenses into one ( 1 ) of four ( 4 ) categories . These program categories are General Government , Protection to Person and Property , Public Works , and Culture & Recreation . In addition to these four ( 4 ) program areas , the budget includes expenses related to debt service and insurance and employee benefits . Total budgeted expenses for 2018 are $ 22,497,124 .
In 2018 , expenses associated with Protection to Persons and Property account for $ 6,442,410 or 29 % of all expenses . Programs contained in the Public Safety category include Police Services , Fire Services , Planning , Emergency Medical Services , Animal Control , and Zoning Building Inspection .
Public Works expenses in 2018 are estimated to be $ 6,352,970 or 28 % of total expenses . A significant portion of this amount is associated with capital improvements including the resurfacing of roadways and the rehabilitation of storm sewers .
Programs included under the category of Culture and Recreation , are the Peters Township Library , Parks & Recreation , and Peters Township Community Television . In 2018 , expenses for Culture and Recreation are estimated to be $ 3,648,874 or 16 % of the expenses .
The 2018 Budget contains an ambitious capital improvement plan . Expenditures for capital projects accounts total $ 5,572,511 and account for 25 % of all expenditures . Several projects of note include the design and permitting for a new roadway through Rolling Hills Park , repair of a concrete arch culvert under the Arrowhead Trail near Sugar Camp Road , renovations to Fire Station # 1 , reconstruction of a playground and shelter in Peterswood Park and the McMurray Town Center Streetscape .