IN Peters Township February/March 2018 | Page 15

Summary of Capital Items STAY CONNECTED TO PETERS TOWNSHIP eters Township has three e-mail lists residents/visitors may subscribe to: General Township E-mail List: receive e-mails on upcoming public meetings, garbage/recycling delays, building closures, council agendas, snow emergencies, power outages, events, programs, and much more! Parks & Recreation E-mail List: receive e-mails on recreation programs, classes, events, membership information, special events, recreation center hours/building closures, and much more! Project Notification E-mail List: receive e-mails when Peters Township solicits bids and request for proposals. To sign up for any or all of the e-mail lists, visit and click on the link in the upper right- hand section of the homepage. PETERS TOWNSHIP ❘ F E B R UA RY / M A R CH 2018 13