Back by popular demand! The library, in cooperation with the
Western Pennsylvania Lensshooters, will again be hosting an
amateur photography contest. Three categories will be judged:
photos of people, landscape and animals. The 1st prize in each
category will be $25, 2nd prize will be $10, and 3rd prize will be
a certificate. All winners will receive a free membership to the
Western Pennsylvania Lensshooters Photo Club.
The deadline for entries to be submitted is Friday, Apr. 22. There
is a $3 fee per entry and a maximum of three entries per person.
Photographic prints must be no smaller than 5” x 7” and no larger
than 8.5” x 11”. Prints should not be framed or mounted, and must
be delivered to the library’s circulation desk. Each entry must have
a completed entry form (available at the circulation desk) along
with the $3 fee. Cash or checks will be accepted. Checks may be
made out to: Friends of the Peters Township Public Library.
Winning photographs will be on display at the library from
May 4 - 11. Awards will be presented to winners at the Lensshooters
May 11th meeting at the library. All entries may be picked up at the
library’s circulation desk May 12 - 19. For additional information,
contact Jim McNutt at [email protected].
Contest restricted to amateur photographers. Members of
Western Pennsylvania Lensshooters are not eligible to participate.
Giant Oaks Garden Club
Plant Sale
Saturday, May 14
9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Join us at your library for the Giant Oaks Garden
Club Annual Plant Sale. This event is one of many
fundraisers the club conducts as a means to raise
money to support local projects and community
organizations, including the PTPL. The perennial
plants offered for sale are grown by club members,
and there will also be annuals and hanging baskets
available for purchase at very reasonable prices.
An indoor flea market with many gardening and
household items for sale will also be held in the
library’s Multi-Purpose Room.
sponsored by the
Western Pennsylvania Lensshooters and
the Peters Township Public Library
Peters Township
Amateur Photography Contest
Celebrate Earth Day
Keep an eye on the library’s pollinator
garden this year (along the southwest
side of the building, facing the entry
from McMurray Road to the parking lot)
– we will be adding plants to become
certified as a Monarch Waystation! Plants
in the Monarch Waystation will include
milkweed and other nectar plants,
all essential for monarchs to produce
successive generations and sustain their
Calling all gardeners! We are looking
for volunteers to help maintain our
pollinator garden. Please contact Gina
Eckert at [email protected] or
724.941.9430, ext. 5772 if interested.
In our every deliberation we must
consider the impact of our decisions on
the next seven generations.
– From the Great Law of the
Iroquois Confederacy
How well do you reuse, recycle, and repurpose? Earth Day is the perfect
opportunity to look at ways you can help our one and only planet. At the
library, we offer many books devoted to green living, all aimed at reducing
our impact on the earth. In support of recycling, the Peters Township Public
Library GO Green Club also encourages you to make e-waste recycling an
everyday habit in your household and help keep plastic, metals and toxic
chemicals out of landfills. The library accepts empty inkjet cartridges in 2
white collection bins right inside our main doors. The cartridges are sorted
by GO Green Club members, shipped to Planet Green for recycling, and the
library receives a small check for cartridges that can be remanufactured.
Become part of the solution by dropping of your empty cartridges for safe
recycling or reuse!
Interested in learning more about our GO Green Club? Please contact us at
[email protected].
Peters Township | April/May 2016 | 27 724.941.9430
Friday, Apr. 22