IN Murrysville Spring 2014 | Page 50

FINANCE DEPARTMENT Diane P. Heming - Director • • • • • • urr ysville MU N I CI PAL IT Y O F M U RRYSVI L L E NE WS • • • • • The 2012 financial audit was prepared in accordance with GASB 34 requirements with no material findings. In midFebruary of 2014, the fieldwork will begin for the 2013 Financial Statement audit. The 2014-2018 Capital Improvements Program and the 2014 Operating Budget were both approved with tax millage and service levels staying constant. A five year budget plan was completed for all of the funds and presented along with the 2014 Operating Budget. Longterm budgeting assists Council and staff with future planning of general operations and capital expenditures. The Emergency Equipment funds were supplemented with a borrowing in the amount of $972,000 to be repaid over a 20 year period. These funds were used to purchase trucks for the Sardis Volunteer Fire Department and the Murrysville Volunteer Fire Department. Both trucks were received during the year. Both emergency vehicles qualified for 2% PEMA loans. These loans were applied for and are in the final stages of approval. Each loan will be for $100,000, repaid over a 15 year period. Assisted staff with paperwork for new hires, pension issues, benefits, payroll, and income tax questions. Administered and tracked various state, federal and local grants for purchases of vehicles, communication equipment and park upgrades. Alyssa Ross, a St. Vincent senior accounting major, worked with the Finance Department over the summer to produce an updated Fiscal Health Analysis. This report included statistical data from the last five years and also projections of population, service needs, staffing and financial needs for the next five years. Portions of this report will be included in the updated Comprehensive Plan and will be an invaluable tool for future budgetary planning. Both the Police and Public Works departments received new copiers late in the year. A new lease was entered into for five years. Tabulation and tracking of fixed assets for insurance and audit purposes was completed. The function of updating the information quarterly was transferred to DeBlasio and DeBlasio, CPA beginning with 2013. The Director of Finance continues to be an active Board Member of the County-wide Tax Collection Committee which oversees all earned income tax collections for Westmoreland County. The Pension Committee, with direction and support from Morrison Fiduciary Advisors, reallocated funds from both pension plans and resulted in increased 48 Murrysville • • • • • • • • • • interest and dividend values for the year. The additional cash influx along with the effects of a long- term plan to lower personnel costs, assisted in increasing the funding levels of both plans and allowed the plans to remain at a “Level One Distress” which is acceptable. No additional measures are needed at this time to keep the plans solvent as long as personnel costs and benefits remain consistent. The viability or financial status of pension plans are measured during actuarial evaluations, completed every other year. The Plan’s funded ratio is the actuarial value of each plan’s assets divided by the actuarial accrued liabilities. The Non-Uniform Pension Plan’s funded ratio is 88.3%. An increase of 9.8% from 1-1-2011. The Police Pension Plan’s funded ratio is 85.7%. An increase of 4.2% from 1-1-2011. The department assisted the Chief Administrator with union negotiations for both the police and former dispatchers. Assistance was also provided during the new telephone system installation and with the transfer of dispatching services to the County 911. The millage in the Municipality has increased 2.50 mills since 2000 as follows: 2000 9.75 2002 11.15 The increase of 1.40 mills was dedicated to roads and the new bond issue for park development and fire equipment. 2007 12.15 The 1.00 mill increase was dedicated to capital projects. Currently 12.15