IN Murrysville Spring 2014 | Page 49

• • Building Maintenance: The Department is responsible for building maintenance and custodial services. In 2013, the Department installed electric conduit and service for the new cardboard compactor at the Municipal Complex and prepped the area for the concrete pad.   Park Projects: Continuous mowing of all parks; however, contracted services were obtained for the maintenance of some green areas and the Administration Building to free up the Public Works crews to perform maintenance work in the parks. This arrangement will be evaluated to ascertain if it is a viable option for the future. Bear Hollow Park: Installed new metal roofs on the dugouts. Townsend Park: The Department renovated the caretaker’s house, worked with contractor on the new handicapped deck at the pond, expanded the parking lot at the lower pond area, and completed the expansion of Field #1 to a 320’ outfield. Staymates Cabin and Barn: The Department replaced the ramp going into the barn and expanded the parking area for the barn. Park Maintenance: With the hiring of summer help, the Department worked in each park: Painting, staining, and repairing of structures and equipment was performed. Assisted the Recreation Department with the following events: • Community Day • Chili October Fest • Night of Lights • Mystery Dinner • Wounded Warrior Walk In closing, 2013 was an incredibly productive year due to the dedication of the professional Public Works crew. In 2014, the Department’s priorities will consist of a Safety Committee, renewing Flagger Certification, Work Zone Safety, Sign Maintenance, and the Roads Scholar Program for the entire crew (the Roads Scholar Program provides an opportunity for municipal employees to be trained by Pennsylvania’s Local Technical Assistance Program [LTAP] professional team in the latest road-related technologies and innovations. The program provides a professional certification to municipal employees and officials who attend ten [10] LTAP workshops within a three-year period). Murrysville | Spring 2014 | 47 MU N I C I PAL I T Y OF MU RRYSVI L L E N E WS • Miscellaneous Projects: • Collected trash from volunteers cleaning up the Municipality’s roadsides. Filled in numerous road edges to make the roads safer for drivers. Worked with various non-profit organizations in the hanging of banners at two different locations. Supplied flagmen for the changeover of seasonal banners, as provided by the Murrysville Economic and Community Development Corporation. Repaired banners, as needed. Turf Maintenance at Murrysville Community Park: The Department aer