IN Murrysville Spring 2014 | Page 48

PUBLIC WORKS AND PARKS Bob Bell - Director T urr ysville MU N I CI PAL IT Y O F M U RRYSVI L L E NE WS he following is a breakdown of the Public Works and Parks Department’s activities: Year 2013 was a very productive year for Public Works and Parks. The main goal for the year was to return to the Department’s routine maintenance schedule, plus begin work on the Murrysville Community Park’s Field #4 conversion. The Department continued to stay very involved with the Emergency Management Council and the Public Works Foreman is now State Certified in pesticide spraying. The Department implemented a new employment testing and interview process, which resulted in: 1. Hired two new Laborers due to retirements. 2. Promoted three full-time employees to vacant Operator and Truck Driver positions. With a very generous donation of a Mack Tanker from the Sardis Volunteer Fire Department, the Department will be able to haul salt brine. Additionally, the Municipality has entered into an agreement with the Turtle Creek Valley Council of Governments to deliver brine to some of their smaller communities. A delivery charge is rendered to the receiving communities.   Vehicle Maintenance: 1. With the true professionalism of the Department’s mechanic, the fleet has been kept up and running very well. 2. The Department continues to work on the Vehicle Maintenance Software Program – Choice Fleet. 3. The Department saw an increase in mechanical work, which was contracted out, due to the type of work needed and the age of some of the fleet. MAJOR PURCHASES – 2013 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN: 1. 10 Ton Dump Truck, with plow, spreader and brine tank – replacement. 2. One Ton Dump Truck, with plow, spreader and brine tank – replacement. 3. 938 Cat Hi- Lift – replacement.