IN Millcreek Fall 2019 | Page 20

EMBRACE MILLCREEK: THE TOWNSHIP’S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CELEBRATES FIRST ANNIVERSARY T his August marks the first anniversary of the adoption of the Embrace Millcreek comprehensive plan. The Board of Supervisors and Township staff have been hard at work using Embrace Millcreek’s action plan as a guide. Embrace Millcreek was organized around five Focus Areas that were derived from extensive public input, stakeholder interviews and analysis of existing conditions and trends. The focus areas are: 1. Create a Distinctive and High Quality Gateway District to Presque Isle 2. Strengthening Neighborhood Investment 3. Position Commercial Corridors for Adaptation and Redevelopment 4. Support Business Development 5. Promote Strong and Sustainable Stewardship of Township Infrastructure. Each focus area contained action items to meet the plan’s goals. These were compiled into an action plan titled 18 MILLCREEK Activating Embrace Millcreek and the Township has been putting it to good use. In fact, Embrace Millcreek spurred changes before a single draft of the plan was even written. Instead of waiting for the plan to be published, the Board took action on resident’s concerns based on feedback provided early-on during Embrace Millcreek surveys and neighborhood meetings. Mentioned often in the surveys and public meetings was the state of Millcreek’s physical assets, especially roadways. In 2017 a procedure was developed to systematically grade every segment of the 271 miles of pavement that the Township is responsible for. Compiling this data enables the Board and the Department of Public Works to make informed, data-driven decisions on where focus repaving efforts. Beginning with the 2019 budget, the Supervisors allocated more capital money to street paving. An additional capital commitment of $500,000 has been added to the Liquid Fuels Tax funds that are received from the Commonwealth for roadway maintenance. The Township has also secured $466,000 in Federal Transportation Funds to pave major arteries in Millcreek. Numerous other changes to policies, procedures, and organization have been implemented to provide better service