MTPMC 302.3 Sidewalks, walkways, stairs, driveways, parking spaces and
similar areas shall be in proper state of repair and free from hazardous
conditions. With few exceptions’ property owners are responsible for
maintaining their sidewalks. Make sure they are safe for people to walk on.
Also, as the weather gets colder you are responsible to clear snow and ice
to allow safe passage.
MTPMC 302.7 Accessory structures, including detached garages, fences,
walls and sheds must be maintained in good repair. Sheds and fences are
often overlooked items when maintaining a house. However, these
structures must be kept in good repair too.
MTPMC 303.1 Swimming pools shall be maintained in clean
and sanitary condition. Pools and spas can become breeding
grounds for insects and bacteria. Don’t allow your beautiful
pool to become the favorite hangout for bugs and pests.
MTPMC 309.1 All structures shall be kept free from insect and rodent
infestation. Rodents like to be warm during the cold weather too.
Check for holes and cracks that would allow access to your home.
Have a professional come out and take care of any infestation
before it becomes a larger problem.
Leaves We frequently get complaints about a neighbor’s leaves blowing
onto another’s property. While this may be a nuisance, it is an act of
nature. Code Enforcement can not make the owner of the tree rake the
leaves from your yard.
Trees Each property owner should ensure that their trees do not block use of
roadways or sidewalks. If a tree is hanging over your property line talk to your
neighbor about trimming it. Code enforcement can not force a person to trim a
tree that is not causing a hazardous condition.
FALL 2019