IN Millcreek Fall 2019 | Page 21

to Millcreek residents and position the staff to deliver on the recommendations of Embrace Millcreek. PHASE ONE UPDATE n REDEVELOPMENT Several of the action items revolve around improving the Township’s ability to spur attractive and quality redevelopment of residential and commercial areas. The most important of these recommendations is to revise the zoning code and the subdivision and land development ordinance (SALDO) to support the goals of many Embrace Millcreek focus areas. The Township recently hired a consultant to assist in the preparation of a new zoning code and SALDO. The new ordinances are expected to be in place by the end of 2020. Public workshops and open houses will be held beginning later this year to seek input on the revisions. During this process the Planning Commission will develop an Official Map to further guide development in Millcreek, another Phase One action item. Other redevelopment related initiatives are moving along as well. Embrace Millcreek calls on the Township to perform periodic evaluations of permitting and site review procedures. The Planning & Development Department has revised and streamlined several development applications and has utilized the Township’s new website to make those accessible online. Simplifying the permitting process will be a major focus as the new development codes are written. Additionally, Millcreek departments are in the process of evaluating new software for both financial management and community development, to be partially funded by an EIP grant. This software is anticipated to increase efficiency, reduce development review processing time, improve communication with developers, and allow developers to track the status of their applications. n GATEWAY TO PRESQUE ISLE One of the action items in this focus area recommends creating a streetscape plan for major commercial corridors and coordinating with PennDOT to ensure implementation of appropriate improvements as part of scheduled reconstruction projects. To date, the Township has opened discussions with the City of Erie which is in the process of improving the streetscape along their portion of West 8th Street from Pittsburgh Avenue to Frontier Park. In the future we will be cooperating with the City so that the corridor has a cohesive feel with similar lighting and street furniture, while taking opportunities to highlight elements unique to each community. As a participant in the Erie Municipal Planning Organization, Millcreek will work with PennDOT through its PennDOT Connects initiative to advocate for streetscape improvements as work on major corridors is performed. Another recommendation is to develop a detailed plan for the Presque Isle Gateway which includes selection of a preferred alternative from the 2017 PennDOT and DCNR Presque Isle Multimodal Study, and to develop a detailed design/engineering plan for West 8th Street. Since adoption of the plan, regional consensus has organized around the 4-lane alternative for Peninsula Drive recommended in the 2017 study. Millcreek has applied for grants to fund the first phase of an extension of the multipurpose trail from Presque Isle State Park to the Tom Ridge Environmental Center based on this alternative. Additionally, the Township has sought a $5 million allocation of RACP funds to bury overhead utilities along the West 8th Street corridor which are currently a barrier to roadway and pedestrian improvements. In the future Millcreek will proceed with design and construction of those projects if grant funds are awarded. For more information on Embrace Millcreek, please visit the Planning & Development page, located under the Government tab at . The plan document can be viewed and downloaded directly at Activating Embrace Millcreek can be found beginning on Page 66 of the plan. MILLCREEK ❘ FALL 2019 19