In Memoriam, Mr. Glass volume 1 | Page 7

jI remember Mr. Glass for what most people don't: his wisdom, intelligence and humor. He was one of my funniest teacher because of what he'd say to us like, "If you play it wrong, I'll throw the stand at you!" and "My grandma can play louder than you guys" He was super hilarious. Mr. Glass was also very nice at playing him instrument. His playing was so emotional and very beautiful. He also told us to make loud mistakes so we can fix them. That was nice of him.

By Darek Perez

Mr Glass,

you were a very nice man. I remember that he wouldn't let anything get in your way, you would always find a way. You also did your best to help me get an instrument because it was too much money.

By Anonymous

I remember that Mr. Glass would teach us in a good way. He was a cool teacher to have in band. Mr. Glass would sometimes tell us some funny moments about him or he woudl make us feel happy. I don't really understand why this happened because he looked so good, so very healthy. I thank Mr. Glass for all the hard work you did to teach us.

by Eber Alvarez

Dear Mr. Glass and family,

Mr. Glass was a good teacher and a good person. He was my band teacher, he taught me a lot of things such as how to hold my trumpet, play notes, and how to play. He was always, and I mean always there for me if I failed or if I didn't know how to do things. He always said never give up, keep trying and practice. I always followed what he said and I would succeed. If I could say one last thing it would be thank you for believing in me. I really looked up to him. I'm really gonna miss him.

by Daniel Reyes

I remember Mr. Glass as a parental figure. He would look out for us and he would teach us respect like a father would. I remember that Mr. Glass gave me so many chances. R.I.P.

By Jared Estrada

Dear Mr. Glass and family,

Mr. Glass was such an outstanding teacher, he always tried his best to show us all he can make us better players. He always had a smile on his face and talked highly about each student he ever taught. The year I was with Mr. Glass, he made me a better player. He never gave up, he wanted the best for his students.

by Melanie Perez

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