In Memoriam, Mr. Glass volume 1 | Page 6

Jawn Glass was a wonderful teacher and a role model with his shiny trumpet, never letting it go. Whenever we didn't know a piece of music he would play the same measure but on his trumpet; he would go so high. I remember in the winter concert he played a piece of music so astonishing he couldn't even breathe; he turned red, but kept going. Everybody applauded. We will always remember your music and your sayings. We will never forget you!

By Javier Hernandez

Dear Mr. Glass family,

I am so sorry for your loss. All of my friends cried because you meant a lot to them and they were telling me these amazing things about you and I realized that you are an amazing guy. Everybody misses you!

By Jolee Barron

Dear Glass Family,

Something tragic has happened that shouldn't have to occur. We lost an amazing band director, father, friend, husband. Mr. Glass was such a warm-hearted ma. He never said no and always offered a helping hand. He was a tender, kind man. He was an amazing band director, he always believed in his students and would set high expectations. He would always share positive criticism and sometimes not so positive. Either way, he always had something to share or offer to us. Mr. Glass will forever live on in the hearts and minds of us all. Rest Easy Mr. Glass.

By Octavio Ornelas

Dear Glass family,

Mr. Glass was a wonderful trumpet player that played music to our hearts. He had an amazing personality; he was so nice. He was funny and was always trying to support us in many ways. He will always stay in our hearts and will never be forgotten. He would get mad but we still loved him. We will make a memorial for him by playing a song and wearing our full band uniforms. R.I.P. Mr. Glass

By Nicholas Baiz

Dear Mr. Glass and his family,

I'm sorry about what happened and it made all the people of Ricardo Estrada Middle School suffer, but we take that as a challenge to win UIL and bring home a trophy. He may or may not be next to us but he is in our hearts and souls. Anything we needed he was there teaching us, telling us we were all great. He is now an angel and he is looking out for us. In loving memory, Mr. Glass. Rest In Peace, love you angel.

By Jorge Meza

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