In Memoriam, Mr. Glass volume 1 | Page 5

Dear Mr. Glass family,

one time I was on my way to sectionals and I saw him in his precious Camaro, and I was like, "Who is driving that car?!" When he passed by it was Mr. Glass so when I get to class, he was there and he was smiling, looked at me, and told me to come on in. Then we would start playing and when he asked me to play an A and i couldn't, he would help me to tell the difference between an A, a C, a G...He made a funny face when I told him I couldn't play an A and he helped me to play an A and many more notes. Thanks to him I now know how to play several low notes and a lot of high notes. Thank you Mr. Glass for all you did to help me you will always be in my heart. Rest In Peace Mr. Glass, you will never be forgotten.

By Christopher Salas

I am reflecting on Mr. Glass since he was a real good band teacher and really helped me play well. He was real cool and he did these cool contests to see who could play the best. he helped a lot of kids learn how to play their instruments and to be successful in life. Mr. Williams really misses him.

RIP Mr. Glass

by David Valenciana

Mr. Glass was a very good person and he always told us to play as well as we can. He would tell us to learn our notes to play, like A flat, B flat and he also made jokes and made us laugh. He showed me how to make my mouth strong when playing. he would have contests between us to see who could play the best.

RIP Mr. Glass

By Angel Tarazon

To Mr. Glass Family,

I am so sorry the loss of Mr. Glass. Mr. Glass was a good person and also was a good band director. Mr. Glass also was a good person because he always was there for what you needed and also was a very honest person.

By anonymous

Mr. Glass,

you didn't deserve to die. You were a great band instructor. We will all miss you. We never knew this was going to happen. You were really young. It's sad that you died being away from your family. We (REMS students) don't know what we'd do without you; you were a very important person in our lives!! We will never forget you!

by Jazmin F.

Mr. Glass was a loved man, he always made us laugh with giving different names to the instruments. He gave us his passion with his trumpet, he gave us treats and we made him laugh. Sometimes we had bad days, sometimes good days. He is in a better place watching us play in our next concert. He will be proud of us so thanks Mr. Glass for giving me the best moments of my life.

By Victor Lugo

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