In Memoriam, Mr. Glass volume 1 | Page 4

Enim est justo natoque tortor neque porttitor, qui qon.

Sed sit feugiat. Nulla sit massa sollicitudin justo pariatur ipsum et nullam.

Mr. Glass was the best teacher. He was the type of person that never gave up on people, he always thought positive, the band is our family and it won't feel the same. We lost a family member. I remember his sayings , "My grandma plays louder than all of you guys together". Another one was "I am being serious guys!" and "There are no such things as mistakes when you are playing music. He gave us inspiration to be the best we can be. he motivated us, he was always there when we needed him, he won't be forgotten, we will all remember him forever. If I had the chance to tell him thank you for motivating us and thank you for inspiring us...When I p[lay my instrument I am going to play as best I can in memory of you. Thank you for making me a better person by teaching me music. You taught me so much, thank you Mr. Glass. He meant a lot to our band family. R.I.P. Mr. Glass, you won't be forgotten.

by Ashton Zavala

First of all Mr. Glass is an awesome teacher. He always helped a lot of students including me, like for example, if you were to ask him if you could stay after school he would say yes and help you on what you need. Hi is friendly and funny and kind. When I was in 7th grade I was in concert band (2nd level band). I played the tenor sax and I have to admit that I was pretty bad and the winter concert was coming up, so I just thought I can't play music and I need help. Next day, I asked Mr. Glass if I could receive help from him and he said yes. Then he asked what I needed help on and I told him everything, so he told me to take the instrument home and practice and told me to come for sectionals. So I did and 1 week before the winter concert, Mr. Glass tested me on some sight reading and he told me that I progressed a lot, it was like I evolved because he told me that I was the most advanced in concert band. So I felt pride and honored so I kept practicing and practicing, so that the music and the keys and everything was so easy for me and that's when we had no concerts left. I told Mr. Glass thank you for everything, I was almost crying because I just couldn't believe it.

by Luis Ortiz

Dear Mr. Glass,

Music is not just about the black dots and the white page, it's about the black dots and the white paper going into your heart over and over again. Music doesn't stop it keeps on going many times; it won't stop because people love music, just like you did and there is nothing that will stop you from playing that trumpet. If it weren't for you and Mr. Williams, I wouldn't be in honor band, but yet I quit. I felt way heart broken when I heard. I felt like a total jerk; on that day my heart shattered into little pieces.

by Alan Lopez

Dear Mr. Glass family,

I am very sorry for your loss. Mr. Glass was a smart, funny, and talented man. And I really appreciate him because he was the reason why I was able to play in my first band concert.

by Robert Villasenor

One moment I will always remember about Mr. Glass is one time when we were in band sectionals, Mr. Glass would tell us, "No sound will come out of your horn if you are smiling while playing." And he would make a face expression of what we would look like, and I will never forget that moment. I really appreciate Mr. Glass for encouraging me to play trumpet and to play french horn. I also appreciate his patience, his patience towards all the students. He was one of those people that is hard to come by, he would make you laugh any day.

By Carlos Jimenez

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