In Memoriam, Mr. Glass volume 1 | Page 3

Dear Mr. Glass family,

We never know what can happen whether it is today or tomorrow and that's okay because that's what God wanted. We have to accept reality. Just like God took a very important person from Ricardo Estrada; there's no words that can describe one of our best band directors on campus. Coming back to school with news we never expected was shocking but everyone was able to thank him for everything he did and I know from up there he is happy, watching ever single one of us. R.I.P. Mr. Glass, you will be missed. We love you.

by Jaqueline Martinez

One of my best memories being a student of Mr. Glass was when he pulled me and my friend out of class and had us play french horn with him and play songs and practice music.

by Seneca Chavez

Dear Mr. Glass family,

Thank you for bringing this handsome man in our lives. He was cool band teacher and whenever I was having a bad day I looked at Mr. Glass with a smile on his face and he makes my day. If I had the chance to see him again I would give him a big hug.

R.I.P. Mr. Glass

By John Vasquez

Music Is Life

Mr. Glass was a very good person. He wanted all his band students to succeed in music but also in life. He always helped us out when we didn't know the music. Sometimes he would give us speeches of life. It is very sad that he is not here to see us perform in UIL.

By Gabriel Chavez

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In Memory of Mr. Glass

Forever in our hearts

I had Mr. Glass last year in 7th grade with Mr. Williams also I remember both of them telling me to never drop out of band because band could help me in may ways like in high school, I can be in marching band. But at that time I didn't really care what anybody said to me and told me what to do, so I dropped out of band (worst decision ever) All of 7th grade I was thinking that it was a good decision, but the truth was that it was the worst decision ever. Now that I'm in 8th grade I always say to myself that I should have listened to Mr. Glass because band is something creative and artistic and talented. Mr. Glass was a very good person, he taught very well and I really regret not listening to him. One of the things that I liked about Mr. Glass was that if we had problems learning the notes or we had personal problems, anything that was going on he was there for us, his students. I wish I can turn back time and tell him how much I appreciated him and how much he means to all of us. He was a strong man that never gave up and he will talk to his students in a very friendly way, but the only thing I know is that he is in a better place now and that things happen for a reason. Maybe God didn't want him to suffer or didn't want him to go through pain or hard days. Hope all the family of Mr. Glass gets better and have the strength to keep going. You will always be in our hearts. Mr Glass, thank you for being an amazing person. Rest in peace and hope you get better Mr. Glass's family.


Yadira Garcia

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