In Memoriam, Mr. Glass volume 1 | Page 2

"My grandma plays louder than you guys!"

-Mr. Glass

So Mr. Glass had a large influence in my life. When I had moved to El Paso, he knew the reason to why I had moved. He knew that someone with my past could possibly start lacking because of loss of family, or even because they don't know their self worth. One quote that Mr. Glass told me every time I would start lacking is, "If you don't keep your life on the beat, I will be in your nightmares." I would always say that I disliked him, because he would be so hard on me. I don't remember saying "thank you" not one singe time. I don't live my life in regrets, but I sure do regret this one. If I could ask for anything, I would ask to see you one more time. Most people were crying because we never got to thank you.

By Samantha Diaz

By Samantha Diaz

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Dear Mr. Glass,

As a sensitive human being I know how it feels to lose a loved one. About 2 weeks ago one of my aunts died. It is a very sad sensation. I wasn't super close to her or far from her, but it hurt me to know she had passed away. Even though it hurts I think we should keep moving forward. We need to enjoy and appreciate the time we have with our friends, family, and even pets. Because we still have our memories with them. We never know if we will live tomorrow so we need to make the best out of it. I am very sad for your loss and I hope you all feel and get better.


Raquel Torres

Dear Mr. Glass Family,

Things sometimes don't work go well and people die everyday. On 2-20-18 all my school got the bad news of the teacher of band. In the morning at the cafeteria I saw my friends crying, "what happened" I asked myself, but in first period they said that we have lost Mr. Glass. I hope that he is in a better place.

Evelyn Marmolejo

Dear Mr. Glass family,

I'm very sorry for your loss, Mr. Glass was the best band teacher I had ever got. Mr. Glass was super talented at playing the trumpet. I'm so glad that I had a band teacher who even taught me how to play the french horn. But now I'm sad that he left us and when I go back again to that band room I will always remember all those good times. But by now band is not going to be the same without him. It was really hard for me to play the french horn, but now I got the hang of it. But now that he left, I am happy for him because he is now in a better place and even more happier. Now I promise that tonight I will pray for you guys and your loss.

By Alessandra Carrasco