IN Greensburg Salem Fall 2016 | Page 42


Family Fun with a Purpose

Adolescence can be scary – everything changes . Our bodies , our activities , our friends , even our schools . A great way for parents and students transitioning to Greensburg Salem Middle School to learn how to navigate the ( sometime ) stormy waters of the pre-teen and teen years is by participating in SFP – Strengthening Families Program for Parents and Youth 10-14 .
Through a partnership with Penn State Extension and the Westmoreland Drug and Alcohol Commission , Greensburg Salem Middle School will be offering this FREE , familyexperience to incoming sixth graders this fall and to both sixth and fifth graders in the spring . Focusing on showing love and setting limits , SFP 10-14 is an interactive , educational , and fun way to strengthen family communication and promote family bonding . Held in the evening for seven consecutive weeks , SFP 10- 14 starts with a family meal followed by a onehour individual sessions for the youth and parents / caregivers after which the family reunites for hands-on activities and communication games . Families with little ones at home can take advantage of the free childcare provided each week .
Over the course of the seven-week program the youth will learn and practice a wide variety of skills These include looking towards their future and setting positive goals , resisting peer pressure , managing emotions and stress , and exploring the challenges they are facing while recognizing their parents ’ position . However , kids aren ’ t the only ones learning here , parents and caregivers will discover ways to help their children make the transition to the teen years , productive ways to discuss issues and solve problems with their child , and how to strengthen peer pressure resistance skills to avoid risky behaviors and substance abuse .
One parent summed up her experiences with SFP 10 – 14 saying , “ This program is really for all families . It helped me add several tools to my parenting toolbox . Not only did we build a stronger family foundation but I now know how to “ fix ” little problems before they grow into big , unmanageable problems . But the best part was just spending some one-on-one time with my son .”
The kids enjoy the program too , particularly the skits and games , and spending fun time with their parents .
For more information on SFP 10 - 14 and upcoming dates , please contact Patty Graff at Penn State Extension , 724-837- 1402 or PAG18 @ psu . edu .
40 | Greensburg-Salem