IN Fox Chapel Area Fall 2019 | Page 28

2 018 - 2 019 f ox c hapel a r ea s chool d is tr ict | s tat e of t he s chools Service To The Community Fox Chapel Area students and staff raised money and collected items for local and national organizations, including veterans groups, the Backpack for Hunger program, and hurricane victims. A number of other community service projects were also conducted. • The district responded to the Tree of Life Synagogue tragedy in October. The high school Jewish Student Union coordinated an effort for students and staff members to write notes of condolence and support. Additionally, the high school digital media production class pro- duced a video during which students reflected on the tragedy. Dorseyville Middle School held a memorial, and a slideshow highlighted the Tree of Life victims. The O’Hara Elemen- tary School PTO hosted an event during which children and their families participated in art projects to be given to the victims, their families, and/or the helpers and first responders. Fairview Elementary School teachers and staff contributed for a gift for Indiana Township Officer Scott Palmer and his K-9, Ares. Officer Palmer was a first responder at Tree of Life. • The district held its 29th annual telethon in December and raised more than $45,400. The telethon raised money for Make-A-Wish Greater Pennsylvania and West Virginia. • Kerr Elementary School students and staff supported Angels 211 throughout the school year. Angels 211 is an assisted living facility in Sharpsburg. The students visited with residents, performed for them, and collected items of need. They also participated in the Give a Gift program, during which they raised money and donated gifts for local families. • Dorseyville Middle School held its annual Turkey Trot to raise money for families in need. Student council visited area senior citizens facilities to connect with the residents. Dorseyville students also visited World Vision to sort and organize clothing to be sent to Third World countries. They also supported Meals on Wheels, Angels 211, and held a first responder appreciation breakfast. The students and staff also created a Little Free Library/pantry for the school and made and donated two rain barrels to help keep rain water out of the rivers. • High school students and staff continued their emphasis on helping others, and many ac- tivities were led by the student government community outreach committee. This included work with a local food bank; blood drives; volunteering at a veterans hospital; collections for the Foxes Burrow; food and toy drives; gathering items for the residents of Angels 211; volunteer work for the Ronald McDonald House at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh; the Sharpsburg Earth Day cleanup; and helping a soup kitchen and a rescue mission. • District teachers supported Backpack for Hunger, held a Thanksgiving dinner drive, con- ducted a drive for the Foxes Burrow, and participated in an Earth Day cleanup. • Hartwood students and staff supported the Network of Hope Food Pantry. 26 FOX CHAPEL AREA