IN Fox Chapel Area Fall 2019 | Page 27

2 018 - 2 019 f ox c hapel a r ea s chool d is tr ict | s tat e of t he s chools High School Recognized For Inclusion Fox Chapel Area High School was selected as a 2019 National Banner Unified Champion School by Special Olympics. This prestigious honor is given by the international headquarters of Special Olympics to a small number of schools that demonstrate a commitment to meaningful inclusion and Unified Champion Schools programming. These schools demonstrate a commitment to inclusion by meeting 10 standards of excellence. Those standards are centered around inclusion, acceptance, and respect, and were developed by Special Olympics and educators. Approximately 125 schools throughout the country were honored with this recognition for 2019, and only two are from Pennsylvania. Fox Chapel Area High School is the first school in Allegheny County to receive this designation. According to the President and CEO of Special Olympics Pennsylvania, Matthew Aaron, the recognition is a “testament of what each of you, the coaches, staff, and your students, do in your school community every day. … Your high school has an enriching and nurturing climate which exudes a sense of collaboration, engagement, and respect for all members of the student body and staff.” Additionally, Fox Chapel Area High School was named to the Special Olympics – ESPN Honor Roll for 2019. This is a list of the top 34 schools from across the country, chosen as part of ESPN’s Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools National Recognition Program. According to Fox Chapel Area School District’s Director of Special Education and Pupil Services Tim Mahoney, the award is a tribute to the entire school community. “I am so incredibly excited and proud of this designation,” he said. “This is another example of how inclusive our students, staff, and community are, and how collaboration enables us to provide the best experiences for our Fox Chapel Area families.” Of note, Fox Chapel Area is the first high school in Allegheny County to have a Unified Track & Field team, which was established during the 2018-2019 school year. The high school also has had a Unified Bocce team since the 2017-2018 school year. These teams include students with and without disabilities, and these athletes work side-by-side in both training and competition. FOX CHAPEL AREA ❘ FALL 2019 25