IN Fox Chapel Area Fall 2018 | Page 25

2 017 - 2 018 f ox c hapel a r ea s chool d is tr ict | s tat e of t he s chools Staff Awards and Accomplishments • During the summer of 2017, high school multimedia teacher Ryan Devlin traveled to Ethiopia on a Fulbright-Hays Scholarship. While there, he created a video curriculum guide that accompanies his YouTube video, “An Ethiopian Expedition,” for teachers in the United States. With the help of high school art/photography teacher Amy Wickman, he also created a traveling photo exhibit that was shared with other schools.   • Dorseyville Middle School science teacher Peggy Perdue was chosen to serve as the guest editor for the February 2018 edition of Science Scope. For the magazine, Mrs. Perdue wrote an article entitled, “Tips for project-based learning.” The magazine is sponsored by the National Science Teachers Association.   • High school world language teacher Myriam Fontes served as the exchange program coordinator for the school’s fi rst reciprocal exchange between Fox Chapel Area and Colegio Virgen de Europa from Madrid, Spain. A total of 11 students from Madrid visited the high school in October, and then several Fox Chapel Area students visited Madrid in March.   • High school choral director Benjamin Murray is serving as the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA) District 1 president.   • Hartwood Elementary School math specialist and RTII facilitator James Jones, Ed.D., was a lead speaker at the 2018 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.   • The school district won state awards in the 2017 Pennsylvania School Public Relations Association Excellence in Education Communications Contest. The district received Awards of Excellence for the summer and spring 2017 IN Fox Chapel Area Community Magazine. The district also received an Award of Honor.   School Board • The members of the Fox Chapel Area School Board have a combined total of 66 years of service to the community. Sandra Garbisch, who has been on the Board since 1995, is the longest-serving current member. These Board members serve without compensation and have a true desire to ensure a quality education for all students, while looking out for the best interests of all residents. Among other things, throughout the year, they address the budget, as well as the policies and procedures of the district. They also approve academic programs and all hiring and are involved with negotiating contracts with district employees.   • After more than 21 years of service as a member of the Fox Chapel Area School District Board of Directors, Joel Weinstein retired in December 2017. FOX CHAPEL AREA ❘ FALL 2018 23