IN Fox Chapel Area Fall 2018 | Page 24

2 017 - 2 018 f ox c hapel a r ea s chool d is tr ict | s tat e of t he s chools • Nine high school students were chosen to perform with the 2017 PMEA District 1 Honors Band and 11 students were chosen to perform with the 2018 PMEA District 1 East and Region I Honors bands. • Three students were selected by audition to perform with the 2017 PMEA District 1 Honors Jazz Ensemble. • The high school choirs received gold ratings at the WorldStrides OnStage Music Festival. The Concert Choir, Vulpes Cantantes, and the Madrigal Singers all received gold ratings in their respective categories and the Madrigal Singers and the Vulpes Cantantes also re- ceived fi rst places, and the Concert Choir won a second place. Additionally, the Madrigal Singers received an award for being the overall highest scoring ensemble of all the choirs in the entire competition. • The Dorseyville Middle School Honor Choirs, comprised of the Girls Chamber Chorus and the FoxTones, earned fi rst place and “Excellent” ratings in the mixed choir, men’s choir, and women’s choir divisions at The Music in the Parks Festival held in May. • The Fox Chapel Area High School Vulpes Cantantes women’s choir was chosen to perform at the 2018 American Choral Directors Association Eastern Division Conference. One of only three high school choirs chosen, the group performed in conjunction with the organization’s biannual conference. • The Dorseyville Middle School Sinfonia and Philharmonic orchestras placed at a Music in the Parks Festival in May. The Philharmonic placed fi rst in its division with a “Superior” rating. The Sinfonia also placed fi rst in its division with a “Superior” rating, won fi rst place overall orchestra, and received the highest scores of all instrumental ensembles. • Three Dorseyville Middle School eighth grade students were selected to perform with the 2018 PMEA District 1 Junior High Orchestra. • Nine elementary students were selected to perform at the PMEA District 1 Elementary String Festival. The participating Fox Chapel Area students were Fairview Elementary School fi fth grader Jeremy Lee; Hartwood Elementary School fi fth graders Rayna Huang and JinLiang Zhang; Kerr Elementary School fi fth graders Malik Choset, Daniel Kwiatkowski, and Mya Wilson; and O’Hara Elementary School fi fth graders Anna Delale-O’Connor, Hyunoh Ro, and Sarah Voigt. 22 FOX CHAPEL AREA