IN Fox Chapel Area Fall 2018 | Page 23

2 017 - 2 018 f ox c hapel a r ea s chool d is tr ict | s tat e of t he s chools Fine Arts and Music Achievements • The Fox Chapel Area School District was named among the 2018 Best Communities for Music Education. This is the seventh year in a row that the district received this presti- gious designation. Fox Chapel Area was one of 82 in the state of Pennsylvania and one of 583 school districts in the nation chosen for this honor that recognizes outstanding commitment to music education.   • High school sophomore Chaehyun “Cuna” Kim was selected as a fi rst-place winner in the American Protégé International Concerto Competition 2018 and performed a violin solo in the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in New York. Cuna was also named a fi rst-place winner for the music of Germany & Austria and won fi rst place for the music of Mediterra- nean Europe in the Great Composers Competition. Additionally, she was named a winner of the 2018 Young Artists Auditions sponsored by the Pittsburgh Concert Society and in the Pittsburgh Civic Orchestra Young Artists Concerto Competition.   • High school junior Sofi a Porter Bacon had her original artwork selected for the “Art.Write. Now.Tour 2017-18” traveling exhibition. Prior to having her piece chosen for the national display, Sofi a’s artwork, entitled “How aliens return the cows they abducted,” was named a national Gold Medal winner in The Scholastic Art Awards of 2017. One of 50 of the best works from the national competition, Sofi a’s artwork was displayed at four locations across the country.   • Fox Chapel Area High School Gold Key winners in the regional Scholastic Art Awards of 2018 were juniors Sofi a Porter Bacon, Hannah Higgins, Rachel Himmel (two Gold Keys), Michela Nicholas, Seo Yeon Wang, and Hosoo Yoo; sophomore Fiona Healy; and freshmen Jessica McCann and Nora McDougall. The Dorseyville Middle School Gold Key winner was eighth grader Kadence Boykin. The Gold Key winners had their work sent to New York for national judging.   • Fox Chapel Area High School students were selected by audition to perform with the 2018 Pennsylvania Music Education Association (PMEA) prestigious all-state music ensembles. Senior Kieran Bartels and juniors Steven Cano, Gabriel Fynsk, and Jeremy Platt were selected for the PMEA All-State Chorus. Five students, including seniors Benjamin Franks-Meinert and Andreas Paljug, juniors Ji-Yool Moon and Chloe Yofan, and sophomore Felix Veser were selected to perform with the 2018 PMEA All-State Orchestra. Six high school students were chosen for the 2018 PMEA All-State Band including senior Elizabeth Mountz; juniors Megan Hayes, Hannah Kim, and Glenna Van Dyke; and sophomores Jacob Rendall and Anzu Sekikawa.   • Sixteen high school students were selected by audition to perform with the PMEA Region I Chorus and 18 were chosen for the District 1 Chorus.   • Six students were selected to perform with the PMEA 2018 Western Region State Orchestra and eight were selected for the District 1 Orchestra.   • Nineteen high school students were selected to participate in the PMEA 2017 District 1 Honors String Orchestra.   Continued on next page FOX CHAPEL AREA ❘ FALL 2018 21