IN Fox Chapel Area Fall 2018 | Page 22

2 017 - 2 018 f ox c hapel a r ea s chool d is tr ict | s tat e of t he s chools Science and Technology Recognitions • Fourteen students won fi rst-place awards at the 84th Annual State Meeting of the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science (PJAS). They were juniors Vaishavi Agrawal, Zachary Lakkis, Kathryn Schwartzman, Gina Wang, and Ziya Xu; sophomores Rajeev Godse and Zeynep Ozkaya; freshmen Amulya Garimella, Anthony Nguyen, Jackson Romero, and Sanjay Seshan; and eighth graders Mona Gerges, Zoe Lakkis, and Siddharth Yende. • Three Fox Chapel Area School District students, sophomore Rajeev Godse, seventh grader Arvind Seshan, and sixth grader Adhitya Thirumala, won fi rst-place awards at the Covestro Pittsburgh Regional Science & Engineering Fair. • Dorseyville Middle School eighth grader Arvind Seshan was named among the Top 300 in the eighth annual Broadcom MASTERS®, the nation’s premier Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) competition for middle school students. He was selected as a result of the project he presented as part of Carnegie Science Center’s Covestro Pittsburgh Regional Science & Engineering Fair. • Three high school students won fi rst-place awards at the Pennsylvania Technology Student Association (TSA) State Leadership Conference. The Fox Chapel Area fi rst place winners were seniors Nathan VanDemark and Jorgen Wu and sophomore Aaron Wu. • A team of Fox Chapel Area High School students won third place at the PA BotsIQ State Competition and qualifi ed for the national competition with their battle bot, Reaper. Team members included seniors Jason Hertzberg, Gregory Kirklewski, Tyler Rapp, and Christian Reiber and juniors Graham Childs, Samuel Gilmore, Jacob Keeler, and Connor McAtee. • A team of high school students won fi rst place at the Eighth Annual Combat Bots Competition. The team members were senior Alexander Vlahos; juniors Ian Chang, Thomas Grandizio, and Michael Scanlon; and sophomore Michael Mendelson. • High school freshman Amulya Garimella was one of 20 students selected for the Pennsylvania State BioGENEius competition in Harrisburg in May. She was chosen based on the project she submitted for the Covestro Pittsburgh Regional Science & Engineering Fair. • A team of Dorseyville Middle School eighth grade students, including Janise Kim, Nathaniel Mueller, Shrivardhan Thada, Theodor Urban, and Siddharth Yende, placed fi rst at the 2018 Southwestern Pennsylvania Regional Science Bowl. The team went on to the fi nals where they fi nished fourth among all middle school teams in Southwestern Pennsylvania. • A team of high school students won fi rst place in the 2018 Allegheny County Envirothon competition and qualifi ed for the state competition. 20 FOX CHAPEL AREA