IN Fox Chapel Area Fall 2018 | Page 21

2 017 - 2 018 f ox c hapel a r ea s chool d is tr ict | s tat e of t he s chools • Fox Chapel Area High School seniors Alyssa DiPaolo and Bridget Wang were named candidates in the 2018 United States Presidential Scholars Program. Approximately 4,000 students from across the U.S., and 103 from Pennsylvania, were selected as candidates. Students are chosen based on their high academic achievement, personal characteristics, leadership and service activities, and an essay.   • Two high school sophomores, Hanna Chen and Claire Fenton, received gold medals in the National Latin Exam. Four other high school students received honors in the exam including senior Delaney Roberts, juniors Marissa Hardiman and Elizabeth Kaslewicz, and freshman Amulya Garimella.   • High school sophomore Rajeev Godse fi nished among the top 32 Lincoln Douglas debaters at the Patriot Games Classic Tournament held at George Mason University. More than 1,500 students representing approximately 115 high school speech and debate programs from across the U.S. participated in the tournament.   • Six high school students earned fi rst through fourth places at the 2018 Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) State Leadership Conference and qualifi ed to participate in the national conference. They include juniors Daniel Andrud and Noah Fritsch and freshmen David Kronman, Emily Li, Kaylee Werner, and Zoey Zoschg.   • Three Fox Chapel Area High School students placed in their events at the Pittsburgh Diocesan Qualifying Tournament for the National Catholic Forensic League Grand National Championship Tournament. Senior Sara Puthenpurayil, sophomore Rajeev Godse, and freshman Jackson Romero advanced to compete at the Grand National Championship Tournament.   • Junior Annika Urban was named a third-place winner for her essay entitled “The Hidden Dangers of Persistence” in the Eleventh Annual Benjamin Franklin Scholar Award. The award is part of a writing competition open to Pennsylvania public school juniors and students submitted an original essay.   • Three seniors, Cassidy Carson in German and Lea Prato and Kacie Zakin in Spanish, were named Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association Global Scholars.   • Four high school students were named among the Elite Top 100 in the Trib Total Media’s 2018 Outstanding Young Citizen Awards Program and senior Helen Paulini was named a gold medalist.   • High school sophomore Grace Han placed in the FBI Pittsburgh’s annual HOPE (Heroin Outreach Prevention and Education) PSA Contest. For the contest, Grace created a PSA-awareness video on the dangers of choosing to use opioids in an effort to combat the crisis confronting our region. Her award-winning video can be viewed at watch?v=_X3fbRWTHVg&t=66s. FOX CHAPEL AREA ❘ FALL 2018 19