IN Fox Chapel Area Fall 2018 | Page 20

2 017 - 2 018 f ox c hapel a r ea s chool d is tr ict | s tat e of t he s chools Student Awards and Achievements • A total of 140 Fox Chapel Area High School students were named Advanced Placement (AP) Scholars by the College Board for demonstrating college-level achievement on the AP examinations taken in May 2018. Seniors Mia Jamiolkowski, Elizabeth Kauma, Julia Kisslinger, Braddock Lalor, Albert Liu, Elizabeth Mountz, Andreas Paljug, Rebekah Polcyn, Jeffrey Savin, Jordan Taxay, Bridget Wang, and Jorgen Wu and juniors Vaishavi Agrawal and Arnav Gupta qualifi ed for the National AP Scholar award by earning an average score of 4 or higher on all AP exams taken, and scores of four or higher on eight or more AP exams. • Fox Chapel Area High School earned the Gold Level of the Governor’s Civic Engagement Award. The award recognizes the efforts of the next generation of leaders to educate, engage, and inform their fellow students about how to get involved in the voting process. Specifi cally, through the leadership of their peers, 85.3 percent of Fox Chapel Area eligible seniors registered to vote this year. • A team of Dorseyville Middle School sixth grade students placed fi rst in the elementary division of the 3-2-1 Questions Unlimited National Quiz Bowl. The team included Jack Cannon, Adam Ferris, Katherine Haas, Benjamin Myers, Eric Pil, Adhitya Thirumala, and Abraham White. Teams from across the nation answered questions online in the academic competition that includes history, geography, math, art, music, science, and technology. • The high school’s 2016-2017 literary arts magazine “Tapestry” was named a fi rst-place winner in the 2017 American Scholastic Press Association’s Annual Contest/Review for Scholastic Yearbooks, Magazines and Newspapers. Additionally, sophomore Anzu Sekikawa received recognition for “Outstanding Art” for her artwork entitled “Japanese Dream.” • High school senior Alessia Fontecchio was named a fi rst-place winner in the 2018 Civics Essay and Video Contest. The topic was the 14th Amendment – 150 Years Later. Alessia won for her video and was invited to receive her award in Washington, D.C. 18 FOX CHAPEL AREA