IN Fox Chapel Area Fall 2018 | Page 26

2 017 - 2 018 f ox c hapel a r ea s chool d is tr ict | s tat e of t he s chools Summer Learning New Program Empowers Students with Lifetime Skills The Western Pennsylvania Learning Academy at Fox Chapel Area High School partnered with Dale Carnegie & Associates to create Empower2018, a new, innovative leadership program designed to help students become successful not only in their chosen career paths, but in life. Empower was offered to incoming 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students from Fox Chapel Area, as well as other school districts. The nine-day leadership program included four Dale Carnegie Training sessions that focused on areas that are critical for future success. Four additional Dale Carnegie Training sessions following the Empower2018 program earned participating students two eligible college credits. In addition to the Dale Carnegie classes, Empower included a blend of workshops that focused on mindfulness, leadership, executive functioning skills, building a positive digital footprint, and professional networking. There were keynote motivational speakers, including former Pittsburgh Steeler and Vietnam veteran Rocky Bleier, and Suzanne Alexander, cofounder of the Live Like Lou Foundation. Additionally, there were various leadership sessions and networking breakfasts that allowed students to interact with area professionals from a multitude of careers in order to practice their networking skills. Incoming Ninth Graders STEP into High School  A total of 82 incoming freshmen participated in a transition program designed to help them take their fi rst step to a successful high school career in a fi ve-day summer program. FIRST STEP included activities to help new high school students make a smooth transition. Participants had the opportunity to practice academic strategies for success including understanding the importance of their cyber profi le and the value of teamwork. Throughout the week, students worked on learning skill-sets, as well as executive functioning and leadership skills. The program included guest speakers and participants also took part in the opening-day keynote Empower2018 speaker event, that featured Mrs. Alexander. Current Fox Chapel Area High School students helped enhance the learning experience by serving as student ambassadors. Elementary and DMS Summer Learning Academy The district continued its summer learning academy for both elementary and middle school students. This year’s four-week program focused on reading, writing, and math skills in a positive and fun learning environment. Nearly 200 elementary students and 52 Dorseyville Middle School students participated in the academy. The elementary program featured a partnership with the Attack Theatre and the Gateway Clipper Fleet. Students used art, history, creative movement, and modes of transportation to connect communities, artists, and audiences in Pittsburgh and around the world. The Attack Theatre 24 FOX CHAPEL AREA