Fun with scarves at Wiggles and Giggles.
own artwork in the spirit of the artist discussed that
week. On Monday, August 7, participants will take a
field trip to the Carnegie Art Museum. Registration
is required and there is a $20 fee due at registration
that covers materials and the field trip.
Adult Education Classes
Mondays and Wednesdays 1-3:30pm
Do you need your high school equivalency
diploma? Join us at the library to improve reading,
writing or math skills; prepare for your GED or
HiSET; build skills to attend a postsecondary
program or get help with resumes and cover letters
for your job search. These free adult education
classes are provided by Intermediate Unit 1 and
held at the library. Call 724.938.3241 ext. 414 to
schedule an orientation appointment.
Lego Club
Mondays 5-6pm
Children in grades K-8 collaborate with other
Master Builders on their own designs or special
building challenges.
Summer Reading Camp
Tuesday through Friday 10:15am – 12pm
Summer Reading Camp returns! Throughout the
summer, there will be three weeks of camp for
children in grades K-3 and two weeks of camp for
children in grades 4-7. Registration is required. The
fee is $5/week. There will be two optional field trips,
on Friday, June 30, and Friday, July 28, for students
who attended camp in the two weeks prior to the
field trip date. Registration is required for the field
trips and there is an additional fee of $7/field trip.
Space is limited for both the weekly cam ps and
the field trips. Please check our website for more
information including registration information,
specific camp weeks, field trip destinations, etc.
Adult English as a Second Language Class
Tuesdays 10:30am-1:30pm
The Literacy Council of Southwestern PA offers free,
confidential, one-on-one and small group tutoring
for adults who need English as a second language
instruction. These weekly classes are offered at
the library. For more information, call the Literacy
Council of Southwestern PA at 724.228.6188.
Family Night
Tuesdays at 6:30pm beginning 6/20 and ending
on 8/8
Evening Story Hour for all ages - offers theme
stories, games, and activities to share. Please check
our website’s Event Calendar for weekly themes.
Table Top Gaming
Wednesdays 3-6pm
With more than 20 games to choose from, we invite
you and your friends to stop by and play a few! We
have classics like Monopoly, Scrabble, and Catan,
along with popular newcomers like Pandemic,
Small World, and Betrayal at House on the Hill. If
you can’t make this organized playing time, feel
free to stop by anytime to play.
LEGO Mindstorms
Wednesdays 3-6pm beginning 6/28 and ending
on 8/23
Do you love LEGOs? How about robots? Why not
combine the two? Join us for nine weeks this
summer to work with LEGO Mindstorms robots and
build your dream creation.
Wednesdays at 6pm
Bring your current project and join the knitting
group each week!
Popcorn & a Movie
Saturdays at 12pm
Join us weekly in the Teen Lounge for some free
hot, buttered popcorn while taking in a movie on
the big screen. Check our website’s Event Calendar
for titles.
Of Dice and Men - Roleplaying Games
Saturdays at 2pm
Weekly, tabletop, roleplaying gaming sessions; we
play a variety of games, most notably Dungeons &
Dragons and Call of Cthulhu. For teens and adults;
newcomers should come an hour early to set up
characters for play.
Computer Instruction
How do I set up an email account? How do I
perform a search on the internet? How do I connect
with friends and family on Facebook? How do I
download an eBook? If these questions sound
familiar or you’ve had similar questions, let us help
you get started. Designated library staff will provide
one-on-one computer help by appointment
only. We will have a computer available for the
appointment, but you are welcome to bring
your own laptop or device. Call the library at
724.745.1308 for more information or to sign up for
an appointment.
Nonfiction Book Club
Join us each month as we discuss a book selected
by the book club members. New members are
welcome! Call the library or check the Event
Calendar on our website for more information.
Teen Writers’ Club
Are you a student in grades 7 – 12 who enjoys
writing? Whether you enjoy writing fiction, poetry,
short stories or more, stop by our next meeting
to meet like-minded teens. We’ll write, share and
support each other through the creative process.
Check our website’s Event Calendar for the next
meeting date and time or email questions to
Beth Kairush, Teen Advisory Board coordinator, at
[email protected].
Saturday 6/17
North Strabane Township Community Day
Stop by the North Strabane Municipal Park and
visit us at the Frank Sarris Public Library booth.
We’ll have information on upcoming programs
and events and interactive story telling with Ms.
Amy. The interactive story telling times are 6:15pm,
6:45pm and 7:15pm.
Saturday 6/24
Page Turners (High School Students) Book Club
Join us as we discuss a book selected by the book
club members. Stop by the children’s circulation
desk to pick up your copy. New members are
welcome anytime!
Monday 7/3
Teen Advisory Board 6-7pm
Students in grades 7 - 12 meet monthly to plan,
organize and lead activities that will engage and
benefit members of the community. Planned
activities can be fun, educational, or service related,
and they can be for anyone of any age. If you are a
student who is interested in making a difference in
your community, stop by the meeting or call Beth
Kairush, Teen Advisory Board coordinator, at
724.745.1308 for more information.
Listings continued on next page >>>
Canon-Mac | Summer 2017 | 43