IN Canon-Mac Spring 2022 | Page 57


The North Strabane Township Police Department is excited for the sunny days to come , however , we also want to ensure the safety of our community as outdoor activities increase . As the temperatures increase , so does the amount of road traffic and foot traffic . As activity outside rises , it is important to remember safety tips that can prevent potentially harmful incidents from occurring . Here are some safety tips to keep in mind as you enjoy the outside weather :

Pedestrians :
• Pedestrians DO have the right of way BUT only if they are already within the cross-walk . Remember always check your surroundings before stepping into a cross-walk . Ensure approaching vehicles see you and are slowing their speed before you cross the road .
• Be aware of your surroundings . Walking outdoors is relaxing but remember to not become complacent . If you are wearing headphones , ensure you can still hear what is occurring around you . Be mindful of approaching people , vehicles , and pets .
• ALWAYS utilize sidewalks when available . Also , remember to walk against traffic and off the side of the roadway .
• Walking at night has proven to increase the risk of vehicle verse pedestrian crashes . Remember to be SEEN . Avoid wearing dark clothing . If available carry a flash light and wear reflective gear .
• Keep an eye on pets and children . Pets and children can often slip out of our eyesight if we are not watching them carefully . If outside , try to utilize areas which are not close to the roadway to engage in outdoor activities in order prevent children and pets from wandering into the roadway .
• As spring rains unfold , the need to mow your lawns will rise . Remember to wear protective equipment such as safety gloves and glasses when landscaping . Be mindful of where you are directing your lawn clippings . Avoid directing your lawn clippings in the direction of other people , vehicles , and the roadway .
Bicyclist :
• Bicyclist MUST abide by traffic laws such as but not limited to : traveling with traffic , stopping at stop-signs and traffic lights , yielding to pedestrians who are within a cross walk , and etc .
• Wear proper safety gear . Although , it is recommended all individuals wear a helmet it is Pennsylvania State Law that all children under the age of 12-years-old MUST wear a helmet . It is also recommended individuals utilize other protective gear such as glasses , gloves , elbow pads , knee pads , and etc .
• If you are teaching someone how to ride a bike be mindful of the area . When deciding a location to teach a new bicyclist choose a low traffic area such as a park path , parking lot , and / or driveway .
• Equip your bicycle accordingly when operating it between sunset and sunrise . Ensure it is equipped with a white head-lamp , a red rear lamp , and amber side reflectors on
each side of the bicycle . Be sure your head-lamp , rear-lamp- and side reflectors can be seen from 500 ft . It is also recommended bicycle operators avoid wearing dark clothing and utilize reflective gear when operating at night .
Motorist :
• Pedestrians have the right of way once within a cross-walk . If you see a pedestrian proceeding through a crosswalk , remember to slow and stop your car to allow them to safely cross the roadway .
• Travel at safe speeds . The spring weather is known for rain . Ensure you are traveling at speeds which are reasonable for wet roads . Also , travel at speeds which are reasonable for heavy foot traffic . Be aware of pedestrians who are walking , running , riding a bike , or etc . Reduce your speed when approaching such pedestrians .
• Be aware of your surroundings . The spring is the beginning of outdoor activities . Children and families will be participating in sports , games , and outdoor community events . Remember to be aware of situations such as a ball rolling into a roadway or objects approaching from between parked cars . Behind that ball and between those cars could be an individual proceeding into the roadway .
• Remember STOP means STOP and YELLOW means SLOW ! Do not drive through a stop-sign even if you believe the roadway is clear . Also , when approaching a yellow light slow your vehicle and prepare to stop . If you ’ re in a rush , remember this : Traffic stops and Crashes take more of your time and affect more people than making a complete stop .
• Warmer weather means an increase in motorcycles on the roadway . If you are operating a motorcycle remember to be mindful of debris in the roadway such as gravel and / or grass clippings .
The above safety tips can allow you to enjoy the weather while also avoiding potentially harmful situations from occurring . The North Strabane Township Police Department is excited to enjoy the sunny days ahead of us . We are excited to observe and participate in community events and are hopeful we can enjoy such activities without harmful situations occurring . For more information on Pedestrian and motorist safety laws in Pennsylvania visit : penndot . gov / TravelInPA / Safety / TrafficSafetyAndDriverTopics / Pages / Pedestrian-Safety . aspx

For more information on Bicycle laws in Pennsylvania visit : penndot . gov / TravelInPA / RideaBike / Pages / Bicycle-Safety-and- Pennsylvania-Laws . aspx orth Strabane NORTH STRABANE TOWNSHIP NEWS