IN Canon-Mac Spring 2022 | Page 56

Helpful Hints for Home-Based Businesses

North Strabane Township is full of entrepreneurial residents ! If any of these residents want to expand their hobby into a home-based business , please keep in mind the following regulations :

• The business activity shall be compatible with the residential use of the property and surrounding residential uses .
• The business shall employ no employees other than family members residing in the dwelling .
• There shall be no display or sale of retail goods and no stockpiling of inventory of a substantial nature .
• There shall be no outside appearance of a business use , including but not limited to parking , signs or lights .
• No on-site parking of commercially identified vehicles shall be permitted .
• The business activity shall not use any equipment or process that creates noise , vibration , glare , fumes , odors or electrical or electronic interference , including interference with radio or television reception , that is detectable in the neighborhood .
• The business activity shall not generate any solid waste or sewage discharge , in volume or type , which is not normally associated with residential use in the neighborhood .
• The business activity shall be conducted only within the dwelling and shall not occupy more than 25 % of the habitable floor area of the dwelling .
• The business shall not involve any illegal activity .
Some home-based businesses grow to the point that the township Zoning Hearing Board needs to approve the activity , so keep that in mind . The zoning ordinance lists some specific businesses ( or uses ) that can never be considered for home-based activity :
• Beauty shops or barbershops containing more than two chairs .
• Blacksmith or metal working .
• Boarding stables .
• Clinics , hospitals or nursing homes .
• Funeral homes .
• Group-care facility , personal-care boarding home or transitional dwelling .
• Kennels , veterinary offices and clinics .
• Landscaping business , including sales or growing of plant materials or contracting services .
• Private clubs .
• Private instruction to more than five students at a time .
• Restaurants or tearooms .
• Retail or wholesale sales or flea markets .
• Sale of guns , firearms and ammunition .
• Tanning or massage salon .
• Tourist or boarding home , other than bed-andbreakfast .
• Vehicle or equipment rental , repair or sales or vehicle repair garages
Please reach out to the Township ’ s planning and zoning department if you have questions regarding the permitting of any home based businesses ( planning @ northstrabanetwp . com ).




The Officers and Members of the North Strabane Fire Department want to ensure that you stay safe while enjoying the spring weather ! Please see the list of programs that we offer that can help you and your family stay safe .

• Car Seats Inspections – Care seats seem easy enough to install and maintain but there is truly an art to their installation . Please see our Car Seat Check-up on the adjoining page and have your seats installed by a trained installation technician . We just happen to have two on Staff ! Call 724.745.1010 and speak with Dave or Tim to schedule an appointment .
• CPR – We offer CPR training for individuals and groups . Please see our Facebook page for the next scheduled class . facebook . com / pg / nstfd / events /
• CO and Smoke Detectors – Are you a Township resident and in need of a new smoke detector or CO detector ? We offer them for free ! Please stop by our station on route 19 or call us at 724.745.1010 it inquire . We also change batteries in those hard to reach detectors .
• Pool Safety – A new program that we are offering Pool safety . If your HOA would like to host a Pool Safety Seminar please contact Dan at 724.745.1010 .
For more information Check out our website at nstfd . org or our Facebook page at facebook . com / nstfd .