IN Canon-Mac Spring 2022 | Page 53

Continued at Canon-McMillan Elementary Schools in 2022

Elementary students at Wylandville Elementary and Hills- Hendersonville Elementary showcased what they created with coding at their in-person Epic Build Showcases . Each grade integrated coding into the curriculum in different ways . Some of those projects included :

FIRST GRADE : In First Grade , the students integrated the social studies concept of Communities and Community Helpers with their Scratch Projects and Legos . Each student picked a different community helper and used Legos to build its building . For example , if a student picked a veterinarian , they would build an animal hospital out of Legos . Students decided whether their community building would belong to an urban , suburban , or rural community . Next , the students downloaded the community helper into Scratch and created four rooms for their Scratch project using the line tool . This community helper welcomes each viewer to each room of the community building as they click on each sprite .
SECOND GRADE : Second Graders built a working video game . They programmed player controls with control and motion blocks so they could move the player sprite through their maze . They also used logic , also called if-then statements , to make sprites interact with other objects on the screen . The students created another project where they used more than one block inside loops in order to do animations and movement . They also activated their scripts , another word for the sequence of
code , by clicking on them ! The second graders used this to tell all about themselves or to explain all about the butterfly .
THIRD GRADE : In Third Grade , the students created a three level track game . They included a variety of sprites that acted both as the interactive player and information providers . The Third Graders ’ scratch projects focused on the Three Branches of Government . The player Sprite travels around a designated track and “ gathers ” information about each branch as it goes around . Students coded a menu backdrop , three race backdrops , and a win backdrop . They wrote codes that included “ if then ” statements and forever loops .
FOURTH GRADE : In Fourth Grade , students created a quadrilateral game and learned about projectile motion ( like when throwing a ball , or shooting an arrow with a bow .) They used looping to make their sprite move by a small amount , over and over again , until their projectile sprite touched their target sprite ! To keep track of the points , they had to create their own variable .
Wylandville ’ s third grade teacher Ms . Erbrecht says it was a great experience for her students ,“ My students learned how to problem-solve and demonstrated resilience during this project as our coding did not always go as planned . It was heartwarming to see students helping other students as they worked through challenging situations together .”

Some of the other elementary schools , like Muse Elementary for example , completed their Epic Build virtually throughout the month of January and February since each grade level completed the challenges at different times . anon-Mac CANON-MAC SCHOOL DISTRICT NEWS

Wylandville Third Grader Malaysheona Jones proudly shows off her project to her Mom , Brenda Yarbrough .
Hills-Hendersonville student Marco Ruvalcaba and Mrs . Ruvalcaba give thumbs up for the Hills Epic Build Showcase !