IN Canon-Mac Spring 2022 | Page 52

canon-mcmillan high school Donated Over 200 Canned Food Items To Canonsburg Food Bank From “ Souper Bowl of Giving ”

canon-mcmillan high school Donated Over 200 Canned Food Items To Canonsburg Food Bank From “ Souper Bowl of Giving ”



To coincide with this year ’ s NFL Super Bowl game , the students in the Sports and Entertainment Management classes at Canon Mac High School worked hard to create a lineup of events and a canned food drive called the “ Souper Bowl of Giving ”. The students created two boxes : one decorated in black and orange for the Bengals , and the other blue and yellow for the Rams . These boxes were placed in the cafeteria and students were encouraged to place their donated can of soup or canned good in the box of the team they thought would win the Super Bowl .

Along with these donations , daily themes were announced to the school to spread a little kindness and happiness into the environment . Monday was a fun day called Team day / Meme day in which students wore their favorite team jersey or team apparel . Fun memes were placed all around the school , in the hopes of making students smile . Tuesday was called “ Twosday Tuesday ,” as students twinned with one of their friends . Students were encouraged to thank their friends and
50 CANON-MAC others by treating a friend to a snack at the MacMart in the cafeteria . For the middle of the week , Wednesday gave students an extra boost of motivation , called “ Wonderful Wednesday ”, Students were encouraged to wear inspirational shirts , and small post-it note messages were placed around the school to remind the students that they ’ re doing great . For “ Top-It-Off Thursday ”, students were permitted to wear their favorite hat with the donation of a canned good or can of soup .
Finally , to end the week on a high note , “ Fan-Fare Friday ” started with a bang ! Students wore their blue and gold Canon Mac gear , as the band marched the hallway in the morning , adding some music and excitement to the end of a long week ! At the end of the day
Row 1 : Ava Matuscin , Hannah Mohon , Paul Barzd , Spencer Pierce . Row 2 : Ava Galicic , Braiden Africa , Aiden L ’ Altrelli , Caleb Mowery . Row 3 : Ryan Angott , Anthony Finney , Brandon Luciow , Ben Fincham . Row 4 : Nathan Harshbarger , Brody Stoner , Mark Trischler , Kameron Romeo . Row 5 : Riley Hendrickson , Joseph Nottingham , Abram Pelham , Matthew Karlovich , Jonathan Pernisek
on Friday , an announcement was made about who the students predicted to win the Super Bowl based on their canned donations ( the Bengals ). This was a fun week , spreading positivity and raising food for a great cause , the Canonsburg Food Bank !
Students Gabby Lucia , Sammy Booher and Samantha Merkle stand in the middle of the donation boxes .