Wylandville. The picture
below was a building-
wide art project that was
part of the program’s
kick-off last year. It
centered around the
book, The Dot, by Peter
Reynolds. Joanna and
Conor, two artists who partner with Gateway to the Arts, came
to Wylandville and worked with students on creating a dot that
was unique and special and represented them. Different grade
levels created different dots, which were then put together
into the final installation that can be viewed in our Outdoor
Classroom area. The artists started by meeting with each class
to plan their project and discuss some of the tenets of making
their individual mark on the world. They then came back to meet
with each grade level for a work session where the students were
able to use a variety of materials to create their individual dot for
the project. Joanna and Conor came back a number of times to
weatherize the dots and to create the background for the final
installation. It truly was a school-wide effort and a great way to
get everyone involved in working towards a common goal.
Buildings recognized are participating in all aspects of the
program and are implementing the tenets of the program with
fidelity in a consistent way. Behavior is a big part of learning. If a
student’s behavior isn’t positive, then their relationships suffer,
and their schoolwork suffers too because
they cannot access the curriculum as
fully as someone who is behaving and
participating in a positive way. Wylandville
Elementary tries to set students up for
success and offers positive reinforcements
for making a positive mark on the Canon-
McMillan school community. CMSD is
extremely proud of Wylandville Elementary
and will continue to support this program
by encouraging positive behavior for the
entire school district.
Recent Graduate
Maire Pasquinelli
Performed with
Symphony Orchestra