IN Canon-Mac Fall 2016 | Page 64

Trick or Treat


Est . 2012
Touch A Truck
Touch a Truck was held on July 16 , and was very well attended . There were trucks from Donaldson Supply , several local towing companies , Hill International , tractors courtesy of Bob Ross , Fire Department equipment , Police Department vehicles , including the canine vehicle , SWAT , Parks equipment , Public Works equipment , a monster truck , and many others . This year ’ s event featured Anna and Elsa characters in costume , as well as a coloring table provided by MedExpress .
Refreshments were provided , including hot dogs , cold drinks and cupcakes . A total of 208 hot dogs was served this year ( last year we served 80 ). The Board looks forward to offering this event again next year .


Movie Night
The first Movie Night of the year was held on July 17 . There were over 200 in attendance ( our biggest crowd yet ). The movie was “ Minions ”, which was appropriate for all ages . Free popcorn
The Do ’ s and Don ’ ts for a Safe Trick-Or-Treat
• Always be with an adult or a friend .
• Be visible . Carry a flashlight and wear bright colored clothing .
• Watch for traffic while crossing the roadway .
• While walking along the roadway , always walk facing traffic .


Trick or Treat
October 31st 6:00 p . m - 7:30 p . m .
62 Canon-Mac
• Do not go to secluded houses ; remain in neighborhoods .
• Stay on the porch or doorways while collecting your treat .
• Do not eat any treats while trick • or • treating .
• Always check your treats for objects before eating them .
and drinks were provided , and the concession stand was open as well .
The second Movie Night was held August 19th . The movie “ Shaun the Sheep ” was featured . Details unavailable at press time .
Fishing Derby
The Annual Fishing Derby was held on August 20th at Canonsburg Lake . Details unavailable at press time .
Breakfast with Santa
Breakfast with Santa is scheduled for December 10th , and will be held at the Canon- McMIllan Senior High School . Toddlers through fourth graders are eligible to register for the Breakfast . There is a charge for both residents and non-residents . Details to follow – the registration form will be available on the Township ’ s website soon . www . northstrabanetwp . com
In other business , Fresh Media Group filmed a commercial in Municipal Park on Friday , July 15th for the Washington Health System . The commercial aired on WPXI , in conjunction with the Summer Olympics . If you would like to view the video , visit the following : https :// vimeo . com / 178653863