IN Canon-Mac Fall 2016 | Page 62

North Strabane Fire Department Fire Chief Mark Grimm N orth Strabane Township Fire Department works to help residents lower insurance rates. Under the direction of Fire Chief Mark Grimm, the department’s staff of sixteen career and twentyfour volunteers have been busy with projects for the future of the department and township. NO R TH STR ABA N E TO WNS H IP NE WS or th Strabane ISO Rating Change North Strabane Township Fire Department is pleased to report that effective September 1, 2016, the Insurance Services Office Public Protection Classification for North Strabane Township has been lowered from a rating of 5/9 to a rating of 3/3X. ISO is a private firm that provides information to insurance companies regarding property/casualty risk through a number of programs, one of them being the PPC Program. The Insurance Services Office reviews the operations of the fire department, water department and dispatch/communication center capabilities. Historically, communities across the country strive to achieve “best in class”, which is generally considered a 1 rating. There are approximately 30,145 fire departments in the United States, and 3,056 hold a class 3 rating. North Strabane Township Fire Department and Midway Borough Fire Department are the only fire departments with a Class 3 rating in Washington County. Studies have shown that the results of a change in the PPC Rating from a 5 to a 3 will likely have a 2-4% reduction in insurance premium costs for homes in the affected areas. Property owners are encouraged to contact their insurance companies and advise them of the ISO change to see if there will be a savings in their insurance. 60 Canon-Mac STRATEGIC PLANNING Fire Department Strategic Plan North Strabane Township Fire Department has completed its five-year strategic plan. Strategic planning is a systematic, formal process that is used to set priorities, focus energy and resources toward common goals, es