IN Brentwood-Baldwin-Whitehall Winter 2019 | Page 45
Brentwood Borough is proud to serve as a faithful
steward of library services. By providing this organization
with both an annual allocation of tax revenues and a
well-maintained structure from which to operate, our
municipality has helped to ensure the sustainability
of this vital public institution. Consequently, library
staff can focus much of their efforts on developing
programs and engaging their robust base of patrons.
As the library building approaches thirty years of age,
its roof has started to succumb to the effects of three
decades of weathering. In 2013, the Borough made a
significant repair to this infrastructure. However, with the
roof rapidly approaching the end of its usable lifespan,
future water intrusion has become a major concern. With
the generous support of the Pennsylvania Department
of Education, Brentwood will be able to proactively
complete this capital improvement. A $61,750 grant
will fund one-half of the cost of replacing the existing
asphalt shingles with an energy efficient, longer-lasting
metal roofing system. It is anticipated that this project
will be undertaken during the spring of 2020.
Sudden and dramatic shifts in the recycling industry require
a change in recycling habits. By recycling responsibly, residents
can help to ensure that more of these materials are reclaimed,
even as they place a smaller number of items in their designated
recycling bin. While it may seem counterintuitive to shift your
pizza boxes, yogurt containers, and egg cartons to the trash can,
these goods cannot be processed at your typical recycling plant,
and they historically have been separated from salvageable
material and earmarked for the landfill. Soon, the mixture of non-
recyclable or soiled goods with recyclable materials will cause the
entire batch to be deemed contaminated. The maintenance of a
sustainable recyclable program protects the air, water, and soil in
our community. To keep this initiative viable, please adhere to the
following stipulations:
• Include only paper, metal cans, and #1/#2
plastics in your recycling bin. Make sure
that your waste is cleaned and that you
have removed all caps that are made
from non-recyclable plastics.
• Use free alternative disposal options where available. Michael
Brothers will accept glass bottles & jars at its Baldwin facility,
while popular retailers like Target, Kohl’s, and Giant Eagle
will take plastic bags at designated stores. Brentwood is
currently working with a local nonprofit to schedule a free glass
collection event at our municipal building next April.
• Bring your grass clippings, leaves, and small branches to the
Public Works Building during business hours so that these
materials can be repurposed as mulch.
While commercial property owners may not receive service
from contractor hauler Waste Management, state law requires
business and apartment building owners to participate in our
recycling program. Brentwood annual sends such individuals
and firms a request for verification that an agreement with a
private collection firm has been signed. The selected vendor
should keep records of all recycled materials that are
collected from each customer, and a report should be
filed annually with the Borough.